
Also, this may be the first time a Kinja author got ratioed, Twitter-style, on their own post.

BREAKING: White woman says black man doesn’t know anything about a subject he’s intimately familiar with, immediately falls back on the “you can’t say shit to me because I’m a white woman” excuse the second she gets called out on it.

From scanning the posts, I’m thinking Libby is now vacationing in a Faraday Cage...

It’s not sexist, it’s neutrally insulting. To be fair to the commenter, though, this article is a shit take. Stop criticizing good folks RIGHT BEFORE THE DAMN ELECTION. Don’t demoralize people.

These are of course the reaction of a journalist; not of a blogger.

“Is Professional”

The rare feat of getting a Gawker writer to be a pariah in the usually fawning comments of their own blog. Congrats, you punctured the echo chamber.

Checks notes...nope nothing sexist about it. That’s just grasping at straws.

Woman gets called out. Can’t defend her position. Play gender card! You’d do well over at the Root.

At least Gawker had charm. Splinter is like hanging out with the freshman who thinks their poly sci lecture is a dialogue. 

Nope, sorry, not sexist.  And I’d be the first to call it that if it was.

I wish I could give you a bunch of stars because your original comment is utterly and completely gender neutral. Hopefully one day she will learn that pulling out the sexist card in such a manner is very harmful.

Acting like a child isn’t a gendered quality. Nice try, child.

Chill, child.

The presumptuousness of this article is choking me. Barack Obama, former President of the United States (and a very good one, comparatively speaking!), needs to be taught a lesson that only a mid 20's year old blogger can teach him!

Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything

I’m sorry, but the list of political dynamics and issues where Obama needs an explainer from Libby Watson is exceedingly short.

As a new visitor to this site: What the real fuck?! Is this your idea of journalism and how to take criticism? I’m out. What a sham.

WTF? What kind of “writer” reads a legit criticism and responds with “go shit in a hat”? Boorish insults like that lay bare that you don’t have a rational leg to stand on and reveal you to be childish trash.

Wow... I mean, you are allowed to say whatever you want. But a reply like that really makes you look like a turd sandwich you know. Rough day?