Priest of Maiden

Choice 4: Stop paying executives ridiculous salaries with bonuses and raises while they are losing money. But that’s not really an option, is it? 

If you think Biden has not done anything, then you’re news consumption must be largely from Fox and the like.

We’ve already had him for 4 years, lets not pretend like this 4 is going to end the world.

If it helps, the dude you’re jawing with is an utter fucking moron cosplaying as a slightly more erudite moron. Just take after take after take of stupid, property-worshipping, anarcho capitalist drivel in the form of dipshitted redpill posts dropped like turds. Lil’ guy is culture warring through trolling,

Snowden ran to Russia with stacks of state secrets that he never released to the public, he’s no different than Assange.

I always laugh at the ones who say “if you have nothing to hide” or “he compromised our security”. Considering that the point of privacy is not in case you have something to hide but when people in power can abuse their access. I'm sure Trump would love turning the NSA and PRISM against his opponents. As for it having

Assange was a tool of Putin and helped get Trump elected.

Remember, it’s Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden that exposed the government’s amorality. It’s Assange who coordinated with Putin’s team of hackers to disrupt the 2016 election by selectively releasing DNC material, while withholding similar GOP material, and rejecting leaks that would expose the Russian government.

FFS, it has nothing to do with the “closed iOS ecosystem.”

How many of the cybertrucks were disabled by the water used to wash off the graffiti?

It’s almost a Giuliani-level reversal of public goodwill, and it’s similarly, entirely self-inflicted.

Many in Silicon Valley are raising alarm bells that this law will kill the AI era before it starts.

I swear, if young voters decide to burn the world down because they're no longer able to post 20 second videos making asses of themselves I'm going to start cutting noses off to spite their faces.

Its funny how people have thin skin for Elon by proxy.

Yes, this is blatent “great replacement” BS.

Yeah, except the jar is racist.

Flat Earthers have developed a whole theory built around the idea that air bends light in weird ways that prevent people from seeing far.

That would be an exercise of common logic and we all know that Flat Earthers lack common logic. 

Weird that they’re getting a reality show, given that they’ve never really been able to engage with reality.

I’d say one who can not accept a simple correction is the one who is petty.