Priest of Maiden

It’s the latest in streaming technology.  The sequel is available before the movie is completed.

They say, “I like him because he tells it like it is!”

During the retelling, when he had to come up with examples of words in the English, he ended up just naming the things right in front of him: “person, woman, man, camera, tv.” Someone with a working brain would’ve told the story more like, “I had to remember a list of words, like: pineapple, bison, silver....” But

OMG when the credits started rolling I shouted at the TV, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!”

And now I must sit quietly for the next week patiently waiting for what comes next.

Media needs to be covering this issue. Trump is insanely incoherent at all of his rallies, and his interviews have to be filled with edits so they don’t show this.

I would vote for Joe Biden in a coma over Trump. It has never been more dangerous with Project 2025 waiting in the wings to spin up a new Nazi party if Trump gets elected. 

How dare you come here with a reasonable outlook and intentions. Do you not understand the internet? It’s not a place for reasonable, rational discussion. But thank you for doing so!

same this is a fresh breath of air so far and i hope, and think, it will stick the landing. 

In before all the “culture war” nonsense comments- I’m enjoying the series for what it is.

Is it just me or does every Millenial and Gen X’er have an irrational fear of quick sand, even though it’s incredibly rare? I feel like that was beaten into us by television and movies during the 90s.

Maybe you’re overthinking this.

I mean, ‘nihilistic and hollow and not very bright’ ... what are the expectations from the comic book industry, anyhow?! This show is most definitely a comic book, which should not be equated with High Art. It still entertains and still has something to say, so it has value, but it’s not

Cute little guys has literally been a staple of star wars since Yoda was introduced in Empire. Then you had ewoks, Droid troopers, bb8, those penguin things in Last Jedi, and babu friik. So like, this is nothing new. Merchandising was also a huge aspect of star wars, so much so I’m pretty sure Lucas wrote it into his

Meanwhile Trump is waving to people that don’t exist whenever we leaves a building, gets off a plane, etc.

Those are a lot of words just to say you have been clinically diagnosed with media dyslexia, possibly media illiteracy or media blindness even?

Everything is politics, mate. Not talking politics and just doing entertainment in a show is taking a political stance, just like say, Elon Musk shutting Ukraine out of Starlink to prevent getting involved in the conflict is him taking a stance in the conflict.

Wa, wa, wa, wa.

Every season there’s a small number that have it “click” for them, it’s truly amazing it took them 5 years for them to reach a quorum that the thoroughly unsubtle show is about them.

Imo, their sudden self-realization is the best part. Their egos at that point start doing mental gymnastics.

They are so dumb that they need someone else to tell them what to be mad at.

What I think is weird about how long it’s taken them to figure out the show’s mocking them is that they seem to be on constant alert for all things “woke.”