
I am legitimately pissed the video cuts off before we get to see which avid pong fan lets go of the jersey first!

You are the toughest of the tough. Everyone must bow down to you for you have gone through unheard of pains and shall lead our country forward out of darkness.

This is from the video that sparked that response. (Both are extremely awful)

Stop embarrassing yourself. Or don't, it's certainly entertaining.

Careful not to fall reaching that far.

Ah understandable. And I guess the x just caught my eye so much that I skipped embigenning.

Does substituting the 'x' for the 'ks' in 'thanks' (or 'thanx', in your world) really save you that much time? Are you that busy?

"The head of Qatar's National Human Rights Committee said this week that the death rates among foreign workers are "normal.""
How is that okay?

Is it safe to assume that tobacco of the chewing variety is also not doing your back any favors?

That was very cunt-ish of you.

Oh yes +1

Kansas City has a banner for Garth Brooks in the Sprint Center for selling out nine shows.

I hope you realize just how not funny that is.


Yeah, because the fact that the video cut off meant that the show literally ended right there.

whoa...that was a real article.

There needs to be more sliders like this in the future.

That is just an uneducated opinion. I don't think I have ever met someone who claims to be a fan and doesn't have affiliation. It hasn't been glamorous for a very long time, and so we don't have bandwagon fans. We have been quiet as of lately because, as you said, we knew that we flat out sucked. But now that we are

So because I don't attend school there I have no affiliation? How about three brothers who have all graduated and I myself attending for my MBA next semester. Lifelong ND fan. But thats sheerly impossible because I do not currently attend.