
"Given that pretty much half of America is "plus-sized" now anyway"

There's the no one is watching angle, sure, but a huge number of these people believe that candidates from Romney on down lost because they weren't conservative enough, that there were both masses of conservative voters who stayed home because there wasn't a 'true' conservative in the race and masses of confused

Again. That's what happens when you have all-male decision-makers. Just like the Swiffer ad.

The first thought that comes to mind when I picture her is denim cut offs in her ass. So I agree, this was an amusing criticism from her.

You're right—it does sound like she's coming to her senses with age, it's just... she is the epitome of out-there dressing, and for her to criticize the young folks on this front just blows my mind.

I fully agree that super-short shorts of any kind are almost always a bad idea. But this commentary is especially rich coming from her... people in glass houses is all I'm saying.

Wait, isn't that the flesh-colored stuff they cover ice skaters' decolletage with so they don't pull a Katerina Witt?

There used to be a bar in Chicago where mashed potatoes were their thing. They had like 100 different toppings you could order. Good times. Also, instant mashed potatoes are disgusting. This man cannot be trusted with food-based things.

Ugh. Instant mashed potatoes are disgusting. If I'm gonna make something that will make me feel like shit, I'm at least gonna use REAL potatoes.

New Yorkers do not often shy away from helping out!

Who the hell is Daphne Guinness?

...And PS AMEN!!!


Same thing happened with the Petraeus affair.

I didn't understand this... Do you speak German? I can't think of another reason why this was so difficult to follow.

I understand that you want to be super creative, writing up your post, but seriously, this just sucks. I had to click on the link to understand the second half of the story, plus it's not even a 'everyday object', it's surgical superglue.

Hey birds:

You can FUCKING FLY, for Christ’s sake. If cats were taking out penguins or cassowaries that’s one thing, but you, normal bird, you can FUCKING FLY. You sit on a telephone wire all day. If you can’t keep an eye out in your five minutes on the ground eating some old woman’s stale Wonder Bread and FLY AWAY

I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you're upset about - your quote doesn't provide a lot of context to pinpoint the focus of your anger.

My problem with the paleo diet is that the people seem to become evangelists about it! It's essentially a trumped up South Beach or Atkin's diet but those people didn't seem to need to tell everyone how it was life-changing. The more I work out, the more I seem to get lectured on becoming paleo.

I have orangutan arms, yo. It's a pain for sure, but y'all can hem your long sleeves...I can't lengthen too-short sleeves. Leaving a couple extra inches is clutch, since perpetually wearing 3/4 length sucks.