
From what I can tell and have read/heard it is a combination of things. 1. he took computer classes at a community college to earn HS credits before he went for his GED. So, in theory, he had more computer education right there than you would get as a HS drop out. 2. He was enlisted in the military but had to leave

They know what they are doing, and have done it since they were kids. Like really good soccer players, or singers. Education doesn't matter if you're that good, because you already have the knowledge of a master-degree before you can even apply to a college. What's the point then?

You can't. You find someone else in a leadership position at work and ask if you can use them. You call your old boss, if you have one, and ask if you can use her.

Well he needed something to pull that boat.

For anyone else wondering WHY it works (I mean, I got the how- it makes your head cold, apparently - but the why didn't really make sense to me, because from what I understood, chemo targets any sort of fast replicating cells in your body, of which hair is one), apparently the cooling of the scalp constricts the blood

Did the new neighbors somehow miss the statue when they checked the place out? Or did they rent/buy it sight unseen? I'm in the "if you don't like it, don't fucking move in" camp.

I'm sure your weight issues have nothing to do with your diet. You and a bunch of other heavyweights. And no, I'm not thin. I need to drop about 30lbs. But you know why? Because I ate too much shit food. I've never seen a fat vegetarian.

Ugh.. Are cheesesteaks as gross as they sound?

This cat, dog, and guinea pig get more love and attention than the majority of children in this world.

The stares don't really happen, man. I mean... I get it. There's this level of professionalism that we have to conform to. But if it can't be solved with a simple Hanes undershirt, then fuck that noise.

True story: I am a 34C and haven't worn a bra in over a month. This is amazing, because I used to sleep in them.

I wouldn't put that past Team Fortress 2 Spy...

Are we sure they aren't the world's cutest, fluffiest spies?

Am not a doctor or lawyer, but recently read about a young woman who just had a second lung transplant, who said that the first set of lungs, while saving her life in the short term, were also slightly too big for her rib cage and caused a lot of problems, ultimately being rejected by the body, and the second

I have an internet crush on you. I was going to try to say something like this, only it was a lot less eloquent and didn't really make that much sense. It's a sad case, but I don't think it's tragic. There are rules and I think those rules are, by and large, fair. Asking for an exception, trying to politicize it? It

Haha!! I see mated pairs of ducks in DC all the time! We used to have a pair that lived right next to the State Department where I worked. AMG SO CUTE.

Yeah, I'm just adding on to your experience :P I think everyone should be an organ donor and they have to opt out.

A hospital will get sued right down to the ninth Hell if they were found to be trafficking in organs.

CF patients need two.

I think pricekx was likely referencing the lack of "awareness" events for heart disease. Which is the number one killer of women, not dying of a broken heart.