
What an eye-opening response. I appreciate how now looking back you have so much perspective. I will seriously consider donating to one of these organizations.

Well. Okay. Jodie Foster's kid does look a LOT like Jimmy Woods.

CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. The basic premise is that rather than talking about your life and all the things that happened to you to make you feel so lousy, it trains you to dismantle and defuse dysfunctional patterns of thinking in the present that are contributing to your depression, regardless of

People who are overweight generally don't have "slow" metabolisms.

Shame's a fucking fantastic motivator. FANTASTIC. Go to countries like France or South Korea where obesity is actively considered a disgusting and shameful state of being and tell me how many fatties you see.

Sorry to hear you feel this way. Things do get better, but you need to have a way of dealing in case things go bad. Have you tried CBT? I remember I used to think "why am I not happy all the time" and I realised that's a very Western way of thinking. Things should usually be neutral, and on occasion, things go up and

Just here to sympathize. I've been there - a lot. Recently I had a bout of suicidal thinking, and honestly the only thing that kept me going was my dog. Be strong, focus on anything, no matter what it is, that keeps you going. Talk to someone if it helps. Don't be afraid to be selfish and take time for yourself. Do

Question: so what does work for lowering childhood obesity. It's clear that (unsurprisingly) shame-based mass-media campaigns don't work to help lower obesity in children writ large or in individual children. But Laura's article makes it seem like nothing will work. But clearly we have to do something. So, any

Love this! That's outrageous it was actually written out "females should xyz." If I remember, my school's code didn't allow tank tops or sleeveless shirts for anyone at all.

The dress codes for girls tend to be absolutely ridiculous, but looking at the picture I can tell she clearly violated them. If you have big breasts you will show more cleavage anywa, but this dress was really made to show off a lot, and she could have found something that would work for her and the dress code. I am

I imagine if he came in with the shirt halfway unbuttoned without an undershirt, and showing "man-cleavage", he'd be asked to either button up, or leave.

There's ways around it that don't include turtlenecks. I'm a 34 DDD, and I have many regular crew neck type shirts that are completely cleavage free. I hate the shaming these girls are getting- but there are a lot of people who don't understand how to dress for a professional setting. Granted, I work in a very

No... I really, REALLY thought it was a cookie, too.

Ok, this is a bit tacky, but it is also incredibly sweet. They know who they are, and what they want, and they care exactly as much as they should about what people say about their nuptials- nothing! They do not give a shit about what classist people like us think of them. I would never, ever do this myself, (I was

The carrots are mixed with some sort of bean, doesn't look like broad beans, maybe soya or flageolet. The mermaid appears to be some sort of bread with spinach (or other green leaf) "scales" stuck on by cream cheese, a white cheese face, cream cheese and spinach eyes and mouth, orange cheese hair.

If you click on it, you can see it enlarged. The mermaid seems to be bread with cheese and spinach. The veggies also have peas or edamame, both of which are high in protein. The highest sugar stuff is probably the fruit or the pretzels.

I'm thinking it's collar.

I'm not sure you got that episode. The whole point was that white people will never be able to understand what hearing nigger as a black person feels like, and therefore all those attempts to show understanding and solidarity are useless. It also points out that the focus quickly shifts to the defense/pity party of

There's always that one judgy dipshit out there who secretes "HURR HURR you're not feminine like me! Where are your CURVESSSSS???"

We SHOULD really appreciate that, but we should also get past the constant implication that having curves is "feminine", thereby implying that women who are skinnier are not. It's got to be annoying to be one of those naturally slim, small-breasted women and be constantly told that biologically you're less feminine