
Sadly this was taken after Ginger's 3rd line of meth.

Ditto for me. A book was handed to me at bedtime when I was 11-ish with instructions to ask if I had any questions. The topic was never broached again.

Well that is an absolutely fabulous pose.

"It's mostly gangsters and sometimes hobos."

Thanks for doing the legwork. In lieu of research I pondered her name for a few minutes and then went in search of a beer. So now I'm both tipsy and a bit smarter on useless fashion trivia.

Let me know if anyone answers...I have no clue and no google desire either.

"Grab on, jump up, on this sattle"

Nahh...the absolute first times you'll spend a few hours obsessing on whether it was a real movement or gas. When you get your first 'I really know that was the alien' movement you'll spend an hour or two trying to describe how completely different it is from any other abdominal feeling you've ever had (including

But naturally, media outlets are much more concerned with tracking down Lindsay Mills, his free-spirited dancer girlfriend, than holding our country's leaders accountable.

So you've never been fingered by a lover?

Worst written article I've seen in a long while on this site...and that's saying a lot.

You seemed to miss the bigger angle to the story which is the company who is the main sponsor for this "Little Children, Big Challenges" outreach is BAE System, a defense contract who depends on low-cost prison labor. So while explaining to little Johnny why daddy's in prison, they are also paying daddy up to

Then why not call it pre-industrial diet?

So is your uncle truly getting fit to spend time on the cross as Jesus did? If so I would think there'd be less muscle building and a lot more driving of nails into appendages to prepare yourself for the pain.

Pinky swears are legally binding now.

Truly gross, but if you slip your hand down your trousers, pull it out blood free and say "Nope, doesn't look like it" I bet it would shut them down a bit.

As I don't see any like comments, I must admit I'm a cynic. Because to me this is just a way to expand your gift-giving audience without having to pay for a dinner for them. I mean how many people who receive this invitation wouldn't send a gift?'s just a scam to ensure you get every thing registered for.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around, "Almost half (an estimated 45 percent) of the 3.8 billion pounds of clothing donated each year doesn’t work its way back into your local community — the clothes are exported overseas..." Again, not knowing the 'unscrupulous' manner, is the fact the clothes end up overseas a

It's just too bad the neighbors don't have any recourse so they don't have to see this everyday.*