Desperate much Lindy? I was stupid enough to click through to the " of Russell Brand talking about my boobs...", and no, not a single word about you or your boobs.
Desperate much Lindy? I was stupid enough to click through to the " of Russell Brand talking about my boobs...", and no, not a single word about you or your boobs.
As the next two sentences are spent bemoaning her own pitiful existence while using variations of "I" at least 7 times, I would guess irony isn't her strong suit. Or awareness.
After the House finishes the IRS inquiries I think they plan on opening an inquiry into the WH care and support for avian spies. I hear they're trying to subpoena Big Bird to prove how far back it goes.
I hear they tried to convince the mama duck she had to take a ramp safety course before they'd be able to help. Unfortunately she was a strict Libertarian and would have none of that so guess they bent the rules a little.
The legal guardian or the person who holds the child's medical power of attorney would have the right to donate the organs. I posted it in another thread, but when we did our wills the Mr & I put in specific instructions that if all three of us died at once in some accident we wanted our son's organs to be made…
The best argument I heard against that urban legend is to look where the money goes.
Kidneys have been re-transplanted but it's very rare. It almost always has to be done within day of the initial transplant. As the organ heals from the surgeries, scar tissues form so the longer the organ stays in the original recipient, the harder* the scarring sets in. This doesn't really impact a single recipient…
We did as part of our estate/will planning. At the same time we did our living will directives we started talking about the potential of a accident that impacted the whole family so it kind of came from there. As our lawyer said, the government donor card (license) is just a simple way to make your feeling known,…
First you never put yourself on a list, a doctor at a certified transplant center must approve your entry onto the waiting list. From there the rules vary by organs, but I would think you automatically move to the 'adult' list when able. Keep in mind the medical logic isn't based on age per se, but on size. So a 50…
Nahhh...if they wanted the gold cup it should have read 'Senator's Spouse Scolds Seducers'
You missed the story a couple weeks ago when the White House guards helped a family of duckling break into the grounds.. Mama had jumped up the curb and through the fence but her babies weren't able to make it up so the guards put up a little ramp for them to climb on.
That's why CF patients need a bilateral lung transplant. If they only have a one lung transplant, the disease will infect the new, healthy lung. In a bilateral transplant both lungs will stay free of CF, but the other effected organs will always have the genetic mutation. So after a transplant, a CF patient will…
Don't ego took a hit on that one. It look me just a little too long to figure out he was talking about hair and not sex. I wasn't sure whether to feel sorry for him (only once ever couple months?) or pissed that he felt the need to 'control' it for her.
The way this is written, you seem to be under the impression that there are shelves full of adult lungs just going to waste.
There is something to be said for 'lay down with dogs and wake up with fleas'.
I'm torn...I mean, yes, a blond, blue(?)-eyed white girl idolizes you all so Yay! But then again it's one (currently) crazy assed bitch so I'm a little concerned her next trick to get a more black skin tone might be along the skinning a pretty little thing and wearing her as a dress a la Silence of the…
Well when you get ambushed by your wife wanting an explanation on she found a stripper's phone number in your pocket you have to be able to think on your feet. To my understanding he also convinced her that all strippers use bar napkins with their number hand-written on it as business cards.
Okay, I'm a stupid idiot, but I thought the point of the boards was to show pix of your 'topiary themed' bushes. Can somebody explain how showing the clothes I would use to cover my 'artwork' would help sell products. I'm looking at a few boards and all I'm thinking is, with that on it doesn't matter at all what my…
Personal I would add a mental evaluation for potential self harm issues. Straight razor over all that curvature...all I see is the Psycho shower scene.