I have waxed my pubes and had a pretty much full brazilian for at least the last 10 years, including 2 year celibate period. So saying my genital hair routine is tied in anyway to sex is rather odd.
I have waxed my pubes and had a pretty much full brazilian for at least the last 10 years, including 2 year celibate period. So saying my genital hair routine is tied in anyway to sex is rather odd.
I came to ask the question, so maybe you could help me. So it $2.3k per participant? Seriously? What if you're doing a team—is it that much per person? What a freakin' scam!!!*
They use the same therapy for eating disorders as well. I remember a therapist yelling at me, "why do you care so much why you're not eating? If you refuse to eat the end result is the same whether you know why or not." (well...she used a lot more profanity, but the gist is the same.)
True story...I struggled with an eating disorder for about 2 years before getting into treatment. What got me into treatment was waking up at 3:00 a.m. one morning so I could get some needed work done before the office day started and being hit with the fact I just could not do it. Couldn't do the needed work. …
BlueDotty is correct—if you showed one (soda or juice) you would piss off that industry which would (rightly) counter, "It's not just us" thus diluting the message. And for a visual ad, only showing one would give the impression you only need to keep one away from your child. "Oh, it says no soda for my kid, okay,…
5'10", B-cup here...I feel ya.
I forget where I saw it (maybe from a commenter here?), but there was recently a group of boys who notice the school dress code was a quarter male/general rules and 3/4 rules specifically for females. The code had things like "females may not wear skirts less than X inches from knees", etc. etc. So a bunch of them…
I'd rather be her so I could enjoy marital snuggles with her hubby. I have no shame in admitting I've had a Wesley crush for decades.
You could join the Would Consensual Join in Rape Fantasy Enactment if Mutually Agreed to By All With Defined Safe Word and Gestures team.
As Flarfan pointed out I should have expanded it. On closure examination it does look like a very fun, healthy meal. And it helps me understand how uber-healthy Hannigan is not giving her kid a lunch of 40% cookie ;-)
sub·lime (Verb) — (of a solid substance) Change directly into vapor when heated, typically forming a solid deposit again on cooling.
Me jealous. Maybe you, me, beer, keyboard some day?
I like the placement of Jennings & Raven's tweets:
I'll admit it looks lovely, but what the hell is it and where is the protein? Between all the fruit and the big ass cookie that kid is going to be on a sugar high for an hour and than unconscious for the rest of the afternoon.
Too serious is only when the police have been called. Until then loving her is fine ;-)
1. That would make so much more sense!!!
First being amazing and having somebody love you should have no basis in how you look. Considering I have a mad crush on the geekiest looking dude on PBS I stand by this.
Ignorance calling here...does 'high color' mean the black going all the way up to the high neckline, the neckline in the lighter color or her blush/face?*
"...look of Euro-superiority-chicness on the model's face." I don't know about her face, but that is one damn snooty looking neck.
I thought of her, but to my knowledge the language isn't part of her 'act' but just a stupid tweet. Of course I guess it does fit in with this thread...she was trying to use language to prove she's still relevant and not a washed up middle-age wannabe.