
Olivier—you are awfully focused on rape these past few days. Anything in your past you'd like to get off your chest? It's really will feel better.

Olivier—I'm not sure of the statistics in your home country France, but a quick google search will show you men both by volume and as percent of population are convicted of child murder at a much higher rate than woman in the US.

What do French rap-wanna-be's think of it Olivier?

The material to create a size 4 dress can be easily be half the fabric needed to create a size 22, yet the few stores that tried to base pricing on actual manufacturing costs have been pilloried for charging 'more' for plus sizes. And as you move up in sizes the proportions and actual design does need to change a bit

But it will be HAAARRDDD if I quit smoking now. I have a big meeting at work. Wedding season is starting & I have to travel a lot. It's going to rain tomorrow and that's going to really stress me out ya' know. But if you'd just hold on until I get to that mythical, perfect, no-stress ever period I know I'll be

I'm not jumping into the overall debate, but don't forget about swimming. It is a great cardio and can be done by people with a lot of different body issues.

No "Farrah"? Not even worth the click through.

In 6th grade I was very close to my homeroom teacher. One day she asked me to hand her my hair doodad (feather, jewelry, who remembers) and as she was looking at it she kept saying things like "*!$& it really is a roach clip"; "they're selling roach clips as jewlery", etc. As a very socially backward kid (whose best

603 words...not interested in engaging...can't understand and/or stay on topic. I wouldn't worry about engaging, but I would worry about what exactly you're trying to accomplish.

But if you could provide either direct or correlative connection between a mother's diet and the prevalence of spanking in a particular culture I'd listen.

Hee hee, no. You went off rail and off topic. The topic was a lot of pregnancy-diet 'rules' are culturally based and by the fact other societies regularly partake in these diets with no discernible ill effect probably means it would be fine for us as well.

So if I am Pro-Woman, does that mean I can pass laws to keep men from having/keeping jobs, finding housing and raising children?

I cannot add to this nor can I improve on this.

"Do I even need to bother responding?"...603 off-topic, non-pregnancy diet related words later...why, yes, it seems like you did need to bother.

"If you had the public backing to pull off making the accusation look absurd, wouldn't you?"

Heck, I was just jealous because my family's road-trip preparation consisted of kicking the kids out of the house to go play in the corn fields with instructions that if you're not back by 6:00 p.m. we're leaving without you. Iowa is so boring compared to the east coast ;-)

"is if there are cultures who regularly included our 'banned' foods in their pregnancy diets and do not have generations of damaged children to show for it, it's probably okay."

See the difference is when MRAs get a hold of things like this they say, "See, it's alright to denigrate women because they do it to" (notwithstanding this commercial was created by a man).

For a moment I misunderstood and thought your family traveled to NYC for a day with the sole purpose of tiring the kids before starting the 'real' vacation.

And use multiple browsers. I've had distinct price difference with a simultaneous search using Chrome, FireFox & IE. (Oddly, IE is always the highest)