
Stupid as it sounds, I take a picture of my checked luggage before leaving the house. I once waited an hour for my red suitcase to come out and ended up having to make a report. It was when they asked me to describe the bag when I first had an inkling that I had really brought the purple smaller one & not the red

People still use alarm clocks? I solely use my phone (traveling and at home). If you're in country it will auto update with correct time so no worrying about what zone I'm in today. And out of country/cruising just turn off roaming, set the clock manually and you're set to go.

Works in budget hotels, but most Hilton, Marriott, etc. I've been through block changing input source so you can never switch to HDMI, etc.

But powered coke is still okay, right?

I assume your work research covered the 4-levels of mercury containing fish and while Ahi tuna is on the highest-mercury/avoid completely list, the FDA has set albacore tuna limits for pregnant women at up to 6 / 6 oz servings per month.

Thanks. I was going to add a comment asking if it was worth watching. I have it in my collection but never got around to watching it. Now I'll just go ahead and leave it in the library.

Guess a retard* argument on numbers didn't work out too well for you, huh?

Keep in mind you are listing the foods that are culturally forbidden in American, and in now way is this an international, actual genetic based science.

Confusion. From most celeb rags my understanding is if I see a celebrity eat an actual meal she must be pregnant. How do I resolve this cognitive dissonance?

Never cared about mess when my ankle-biter was at home, but I refuse to put up with smells. I only had the penis-baring child, so I don't know about the 'fairer' sex, but I can tell you when stinky trainers, dirty gym shorts, unwashed jock straps, and the random half-eaten then forgotten sandwich stew in a pile for a

I scrolled down solely to post the same (with a more HOW COULD YOU MISS THIS ONE tone) with the Daily Mail link.

Okay, at times I can be a real dweeb. It never once occurred to me to try other brands. I used the Instead Softcup. Tonight is Breaking Bad season 2 at my house, and as hubby doesn't know I've already watched Ep 1-4 while home sick yesterday, I think I'll be spending sometime on livejournal getting myself educated.

Boy...that quieted you right now. Worried what Olivier might have to say? Thankfully his # in France is really easy to find.

Deity help me, I might have to see if there are any youtube videos. I tried so hard. At one point I had my tablet in with me (wrapped safely in plastic bag) so I could follow the web sites step-by-step instructions and it just never worked.

Personally I'm not picky either way...I figure if my V is good enough for the hubby's fingers I really shouldn't have an issue.

"In this instance. In any rape story here its fire, brimstone and patriarchy with names and info posted." fact you did say Jezebel posted accused 'info'.

Again, don't see a single phone number or address that Jez provided that I can use to contact these people directly. Per your words you see no difference between naming a person and positing phone number / address, "Yes, as if naming and shaming accused rapists on Jez is any different."

This has nothing to do with real or false accsations. Banana says "Yes, as if naming and shaming accused rapists on Jez is any different.". I say posting phone number and address IS different.
