never enough caffeine

In my Ph.D. program in chemistry, they gave a “diversity fellowship” (sponsored by a large chemical company) to the straightest whitest guy in the department. He was brilliant and deserved recognition - but when the department (and sponsoring company) choose to give a member of an advantaged group a diversity

That title is depressingly terrible. Remember girls no matter what you’re interested in, no matter what you do, pretty is what counts.

Sadly, I realized that in pre-school and hated the fact that I was a girl.

EDF said that while its Pretty Curious programme is still aimed at girls, the UK competition was later opened up to all 11 to 16-year-olds.

And the MRA concern trolls are here. Dismiss and don't engage, not even worth it.

if the genders were reversed, the girl who won probably would be murdered.

I think the name said it all. Am I supposed to take “Pretty Curious” pretty seriously? Nah.

Maybe they were just trying to give girls a realistic look at what it’s like to be a woman in a STEM field. They did a pretty good job in that regard!

My first thought was — must be a real idiot running the contest program.

Sherman: Don’t start a war, there is literally no way you can win against the North. Trains and factories, yo.

Sherman was also accused of having a mental breakdown when, in the early weeks of the war, he insisted that Northern generals’ optimism for an easy victory was ridiculous and that it would be a bloody and years-long conflict. Not exactly a great guy, but he was one of the great military minds of history.

Why, yes, it is treasonous. Also, March is to be “Jim Crow Law Nostalgia Month,” which I also have a problem with.

Now mind you, it’s BEYONCE who is being racially divisive and preventing us from moving on from the past.

Nothing plays with the GOP base like attacking women and minorities.

Because he is, very obviously, three kids stacked on top of each other under a trench coat.

You got that, ladies? Your healthcare = criminal! Actual criminals = not criminals!

I predict a burst of kids wearing the weirdest uniform combinations they can come up with for a few months, before they all go back to wearing what they’re comfortable with. And at that point, no one will even notice if a couple people are still wearing the “wrong” uniform.

Lets also add: “or fat” in there. I was a talented actress who made the unpardonable sin of being fat. Since I also had a pretty face and was not a slapstick- funny- fat girl, the industry could not wrap their minds around that combo and it was brutal.

Hey- it’s a gig. Separate bathrooms would be non-negotiable though, it’s probably in the pre-nup along with how many times per year she has to touch him.

No, you’re not. You’re awesome. You’re dad’s the asshole. You rule.