“At this rate, we’ll be looking at amnesty for 48M in 2046.”
“At this rate, we’ll be looking at amnesty for 48M in 2046.”
I’m sorry, but Bernie Sanders is what’s pushing forward the conversation and urgency about immigration reform? Not “build-a-wall-Mexican-rapist” Trump and his rapid rise to potential power? Hm. Right. Everything progressive about Clinton comes from Sanders.
Because there’s nothing worse than being “held reliable...” ?
Absolutely, there are thousands of women who’ve survived abusive marriages who would love to help her out.
Awesome stars and applause gif! (I’m too old and wore out to learn how to gif.)
I am one of those others.
“Which brings me back to my original surmise: are my tastebuds miscalibrated, or are Girl Scout Cookies objectively horrible, but subjectively such a part of Americana that suggesting they are anything other than ambrosia is tantamount to treason?”
That is incredibly cute and I have to get one of those costumes for my granddaughter RIGHT NOW. #badfeministgramma
I’m not a farmer but in the case of roosters and goats, at least, small and subsistence farmer folks I’ve talked to have told me they eat the males or sell them for meat. Females are kept for eggs and dairy.
“fuck off”
I worked out with weights all through my 20s and it wasn’t until I stopped dieting in my 30s that I was finally able to put on some actual muscles. I’ve read something somewhere that says women’s bodies in particular will spare fat and burn muscle if they aren’t getting enough calories.
Actually, air conditioning completely changed the South, making it possible for the population to grow to current levels and making it possible for people to work year-round. It’s a whole thing, there are studies on the subject. Also, it’s gotten hotter there, like everywhere, in the past couple of decades, partly…
Now that I’ve seen the comments, I think I have to buy the book.
I think I’ve been waiting for it my whole life.
And actually that’s how you get social change, mostly. There are the tinderbox events (riots, protests etc.) that get most of the visibility on TV, but in history the victory goes to the ones who plan, work, study, fall down, get up again, learn from their mistakes, and keep going.
Good dog! Someone give that dog a treat!
I was sorting through some baby clothes that my daughter’s friend (mother of a boy) had just given her (mother of a girl). There were lots of onesies with gendered messages on them (tough guy, daddy’s little boy etc.) and one of them said No Girls Allowed. This is a onesie for a six-month-old baby boy to wear.
I’d need to hear more of that story because I volunteered at the first domestic violence shelter in Dallas in the 1970s and I think we were all pretty damn aware of who needed protecting and who from.