old and pissed off

As someone who was horrifically sexually abused by a sadistic pedophile ring (including being trafficked) as a child, I find the way you talk about people with sexual abuse pasts incredibly offensive. I know that I personally would never choose sex work precisely because of my history, but I have certainly been in an

For most of us, our means of livelihood is through our bodies. If you wait tables or dig ditches or do massage or perform surgery, you’re providing a service using your body. Women who have sex are not just inert bodies, they are people doing something, either for fun or, in the case of sex workers, as a service. In

Again, as above, decriminalizing sex work does not make trafficking and exploitation legal. In fact, not having to waste law enforcement resources on consensual sex means there will be more resources to fight nonconsensual exploitation.

Exactly. If you decriminalize sex work, that doesn’t make trafficking and exploitation legal. In fact it makes it easier to attack them, not having to waste law enforcement resources on consensual sexual activity. Comparable to how decriminalizing cannabis use frees up resources to focus on serious crime.

The married men I’ve known who sometimes pay for sex, this is the situation. The wife doesn’t want sex, the husband doesn’t want to spend his life celibate or only having sex once or twice a year, but he doesn’t want to abandon his wife and family either. I don’t see why this is such a bad choice.

Queen of Shade strikes again...

This has been happening forever. I was the victim of a sadistic child porn ring in the 1950’s. The difference now is that people are talking about it and it’s harder to get away with it, which I credit to the feminist therapy movement of the 80s that brought child sexual abuse out into the open. (Believe it or not,

Judge Brown, I love your writing and I love the way you have improved my life with your eleven-dimension ninja chess shade education skills, but I have to say that most most of all I really love that picture of little shady baby Kara at the top of the page. It gives me all the granny smiles, plus in my mind that’s how

Yep. Women take so much shit as we age, being ignored, made invisible, disrespected (even by younger women, by the way, and y’all need to cut that shit out if you’re doing it.)

The white boys/men who make most of the films that get made really, really don’t understand how much potential money they’re losing by making the same old bullshit sexist films. It hasn’t occurred to them that there are millions of women who don’t bother watching films they make, who would spend money on something

I feel like I need to point out that there are some people who actually do need to eat meat. Some people can’t absorb non-heme iron well enough to avoid anemia if they don’t eat some red meat. Some people (like me) have a disabling digestive disorder that makes it impossible to eat nonmeat protein sources. Not

There actually are some people who have to eat meat. I’m one of them. I have a digestive disorder that makes it extremely painful and disabling for me to eat anything non-meat that has enough protein to sustain life. I spend the money to buy meat from animals raised and slaughtered humanely. Those animals would never

This is why I read Jezebel.