
C'mon peeps! Seriously?? You guys got that much anger and hate inside with nowhere to go with it but on this ridiculous blog sight??
Time to examine your hearts. "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh!" / "judge NOT lest ye be judged!" The Bible spells it out plain and simple. Now I am not going to sit

We got some haters here! Time for folks to take a check up from the neck up! How you guys live with such hate is beyond me? Go do something positive in someones life dog! Cut the ripping out!!

Same goes for you Mullet! Lets focus on you and I being better ourselves! Lets cut the negative words out completely. Focus on being part of the solution vs. the problem man!

Simmer down! No need for that kind of rhetoric and language. Thats anything but dope! Get the negative energy out another way but keep in mind we have youngsters on here. Harvey is a good guy. Remember "judge not lest ye be judged!"
Go out and make a positive difference man! There is enough negative people in this

No need to hate folks! Our country needs healing after being lied to and ripped apart by the media. Its time we all come together and unite for a common cause.