
Boom! A bitchsmack to Breitbart maniacs everywhere.

Am I white? Look at all the brohs and brahs around me, yeah I’m white.

I figured they would just turn their industrial refrigeration unit on high and smoke a bunch of hash with a goldfish.

RG3 watched Bubbles explain to Ricky how Orangie is dead

Waiting for next article, Joe Flacco vs rg3

This is how female playas try to act as well.

I'm generalizing liberal media.

If you look at the actual effect of Trump he’s doing a great thing for the country right now, whether you believe it’s on purpose or you believe he is just such an ahole. He’s done more to highlight the Citizens United decision and the corruption in the mainstream of the two parties than anyone other than Jon Stewart

Well he’s coming out stronger after the Megyn Kelly incident. 62 percent of Republican voters view him as a favorable candidate, up from 57. Trump may have started this as a Schil or a troll, but it didn’t surprise me he was running for real once he polled favorably.

Well he’s coming out stronger after the megyn kelly incident. 62 percent of Republican voters view him as a favorable candidate, up from 57. Trump may have started this as a Schil or a troll, but it didn’t surprise me he was running for real once he polled favorably.

Wow Your a fuktard;

PS - It hurts small businesses including mine. I didn’t want to admit it, but the proof is in.

Obamacare only helps corporations, insurance companies and very few of the poor. As the Black Lives Matter advocates told Bernie when they were interrupting him, “We can’t afford the (un)affordable health care act.” Obama is economically no better than Bush, any Bush.

If Trump is going to take down the GOP, I’m all for it. Sanders V. Trump 2016

Sanders isn’t a traditional socialist. His policies encourage more cash flow through small business and credit unions, where he has and continues to push the issue.

I told you he would take less money to stay in his incubator ;]

“If you let the rebounding bounce the free throws”? How about if I allow your innocence to balance out your stupidity?

“Kinda sounds like you just” ? What worthwhile argument ever started that way?

Thank you

Are you kidding me? How stupid has this country become? Or am I the stupid one not realizing you’re saying the ESPN content is actually complete garbage now? How old are you, did you watch ESPN in the 80’s, 90’s and early 2000’s? Do you remember when Jon Stewart went on the Crossfire and called them out for being