
You can’t. But most major retailers, including VS, don’t carry most styles in anything below a 34. So if you are an average sized person and you start out buying your bras at basically any corporate retailer you will be fitted with a 34 or a 36. Because these cheaper bras are made out of stretchy material it isn’t

What I mean by no romantic tension is that it’s absolutely clear, even if one character is interested, that they are not actually a viable love interest.

Moffat wrote some brilliant stuff when Davies was still at the helm. And the first season we got with 11 was really lovely, as was the last episode we every saw Amy and Rory in. But otherwise, the show has been really, really, really poorly written. A lot of ideas that sound like they should land, and deliver an

Also, as I just mentioned in my last post, being Black on Dr. Who is code for not being a character with whom there will be sexual tension.

Don’t be. The doctor’s had a few Black companions and being Black on this show is just code for “not a romantic partner”. See Mickey and Martha. I guarantee you that when the pendulum swings back towards “we want the doctor to have sexual tension with his companion” or “we want the companions to have sexual tension

That’s why it’s funny Ryan. Also, this is the best hey girl of all time. But it wouldn’t be nearly as funny if Ryan Gosling had stared in a movie with ducks.

Ha ha ha. And he’s also a fetishist of non-neurotypicalism? What a walking streotype.

Yeah. Though I just want to clarify that by “elegant” he means mathematically elegant. But when my dad calls someone “elegant for their age” it means they’re pretty damn good.

This woman is badass.