
I think that’s partially true. There are plenty of elite gymnasts who compete at 18 or older - granted, you generally don’t see them past mid-20s (there is a Romanian woman who went to Olympics well into her 30s, but my understanding is that she is an exception to the rule). In the 2016 Olympics, of the 5 women who

But how many entities bear responsibility for part of this? USA Gymnastics is the primary actor in permitting this, but there are multiple agencies (the IOC among them) that look the other way on this. What reason is there to permit minors into a sport this demanding? What would the sport suffer by simply restricting

100 Million Dollars is just that cartoonish ridiculous amount you throw out when you want to show how ESPECIALLY SERIOUS AND LITIGIOUS you are.

I’m not sure they can. No strong leader has emerged and Tom Perez seems intent on “burn it down” tactics. Bernie Sanders is coming off as the moderate thinker. which should scare everyone.

Uh, you haven’t helped anything. You’ve tried to wiggle out of your own contentions several times - you’ve argued that most people only get info from sources sympathetic to Polanski (something you, btw, offered no evidence for either). You then claimed that there are not multiple sources that have noted that

It’s not “vague” if it is very literally a few minutes away through Google. You continue to protest as though I am demanding you go on some kind of quest for this information. I cited to you the court of jurisdiction and the authoring judge, as well as the contents of the opinion. (Google will also return media

Stuff like this is what makes me think feminism is doomed, frankly. I hate that Sam Harris is basically getting proven right, seemingly all the time. So far we’ve got people alleging the police coerced her into recanting, arguing that the case should have still been pursued just to...I guess put the fear of God into

And of course, it’s never exactly surprising when “pointing out facts and evidence” gets you equated to an MRA or rape apologist. But then again, that seems par for the course with some “feminists” these days. basically, you deflect my whole point - that the information I cited is very easily available to you, you just don’t want to see it because it will break your whole pre-conceived argument. Again, you haven’t refuted my whole point - that Polanski’s conviction could very potentially be vacated on judicial

Um...Google is your friend. You seem to think I should break Kinja by linking to some of the dozens of pieces that reported on the misconduct, citing the judicial opinion, which (gasp) is also a matter of public record. but I suppose it’s easier for you to continue writing your mini novellas here then do that yourself

This is beginning to get slightly farcical.

I’m glad your ESP has let you know exactly how this trial would have turned out, slick.

Like I said - doesn’t it suck when your own words bite you in the ass? You said there was no objective evidence, I showed that there was. The more you argue, the more inconsistent you look.

So basically, “no, there is no evidence of police negligence, here, but...somehow, I must still tie this to police negligence because....reasons.”


But isn’t that argument undercut by the fact that this case doesn’t seem to involve police negligence? This case suffers due to inconsistencies - nothing is alleged that would paint the police in a negative light.

You still never addressed that the judicial misconduct is not an allegation, like you’ve been saying - it’s a noted fact. So....yeah. Your “game” is just refusing to accept facts. And that’s not a game, it’s an illness, sweetie.

Yeah, that’s what I’ve been trying to get across. And I’m not saying the cops did everything right - cops screw up a lot. But right now, that’s not being alleged here. Maybe the encounter started off consensually and turned into a rape, but the victim doesn’t want to admit that. Maybe she’s a sex worker who is trying

But the article clearly is laying blame at the feet of law enforcement, and I was pointing out that there is not much they seem able to do, given the circumstances. I agree that something clearly happened to this woman, but how is the legal system supposed to give her a remedy within the current framework? I don’t see

1.) So there isn’t any evidence they badgered her, that just your “feeling.” Okay.