
I had time to read through the attached articles, and they are definitely more of the same of what I was responding to before. So if you’re not going to address those points, there’s no reason to continue the conversation.

He will, and you can partially thank Harry Reid for it. Filibusters used to be possible to stop problematic nominees and you needed at least 60 votes to overcome one. But Harry Reid decided to go with the “nuclear option” to change the rules to allow a filibuster to be broken with only 51 votes - a mere majority - in don’t have anything actually new to say? Like I said, none of those pieces actually address the points I raised above. Relying upon “community closeness” is a lousy standard because it ignores the history of ostracism that mixed natives deal with. You’re not responding to that, you’re just posting links that

Legally speaking, an allegation comes from somebody who was actually involved in the transactions - these are second-hand statements coming from people who are alleged to be “in the know.” Technically, you are incorrect - an allegation would have to come from a person who was actually a part of the events. These are

But that’s my point. These are rumors right now. They might totally be true, but they might not be.

Except it’s not verified. CNN noted that the report was compiled by an individual who formerly worked for British intelligence sources and that the claims could not be independently verified.

That’s what gets me - how hard would it have been verify what you could? CNN published only verified details and left out the things they could not confirm, but Buzzfeed published it all. Like the Cohen thing - how hard would it have been to confirm it was actually him (or really likely to be him)? They just checked

The problem here is Buzzfeed, which actually did screw up big time. From the few people I’ve met who work in journalism, there is not a lot of love lost between more traditional media and Buzzfeed (or those like it). Multiple journalists are on Twitter calling them out for publishing unverified material without at

This may not be the most popular opinion, but here goes:

Unfortunately, while that’s true in many cases, it still removes credibility. Either Pudzer’s wife lied when she made the allegations or she lied to recant. Either choice there, she’s a liar and she’s non-credible.

That is not true. The Apprentice tapes referred to time in-between shoots or extra footage when people were presumably sitting around or getting ready to shoot. This is supposed to be a whole episod referred to in this case.

Dude, you came on here saying “they don’t do that.” I showed you that they do - and that’s just one example. If you need another, here’s a woman writing an piece about the routine discrimination black natives face on the reservations. but I’m sure that won’t exactly sway you either:

Dude, you got shown up. It happens to the best of us, it’s cool.

So....this is fake?

It is not a pardon or anything of that type. The guilty verdict remains in place, she will still have a record. What it does is essentially say that the time she has served already is sufficient and the remaining time is wiped out. That’s it. It’s basically a reduced sentence.

Dude, don’t punk out now. You said almost all Natives today are mixed. Not by a long shot - it’s around 50-60%.

Except that article is a classic example of “moving the goalpoasts.” It makes hay of the “community ties” argument - but again, if you’d bothered to read my initial reply, I pointed out that community ties can be hard to come by when, for decades, mixed natives and their descendants were actively ostracized from those

Um, 5 seconds of google would disprove that. In 2010, 50% were multiracial. “Almost all?” Honey, please. Your ignorance is showing.

Except I pointed out why those things don’t establish lying: First, as others here have pointed out, it is nearly impossible for him to “prove” his heritage. Short of specialized DNA testing, he cannot prove it. If you know native history, you know that the records are a mess, often destroyed, etc.