
Jesus Christ who said anything about partners, for fucks sake? Can’t a woman just ride the dick for a minute and go?

It IS weird that they’re using children’s imagery in marketing. You're gonna get piled on for not being able open minded enough but I think you know that already. It's Jezebel. lol to all the adult baby experts coming for you though.

The only thing I find really disagreeable about this business is how its advertising uses words and imagery associated with children. That makes me a bit uncomfortable as this fetish is sexual for a lot of people.


Regardless of children or not, people change, and your relationship with people will change. You could find that friends meeting new partners, or getting a new job could change the dynamics just as much. I’m 40, and my wife and I probably won’t have kids, but I’m not the same person I was at 20 or 30, and I don’t

I wouldn’t say that was being parents. The people who blather on about their kids probably blathered on about their car/pet/diet/whatever before they became parents.

I have a kid. She’s three. Kids are cool. Three-year-olds are cool. They like bugs and fart jokes and making up dumb words to songs. I like my friends, too, because my friends are cool and supportive. They also like fart jokes. My friends like my kid and my kid likes them, too. She makes them pictures and lego

Yeah, but that’s true of young adults, the middle aged, and the elderly too.

I know there is a stigma attached to being a “career woman” but there is also a stigma attached to being a stay at home mom. For women, there is a stigma attached to literally every decision we make in life. It’s not like Pitch Perfect 3 is a once in a lifetime movie, so it’s not really a big deal to want to pass on

I feel similar. I rarely want to work past 6:00pm on a week day because I’m nervous about not seeing my dog, if I had offspring I’m pretty sure my feelings would amplify by 100. But that’s just me. To each their own and if financially able, should be able to parent however they please.

Maybe she wants to do it. She could have just said “scheduling conflicts” but it seems like she wants everyone to know (especially her children, I imagine) her reason

Her desire to both work and parent the way she sees fit is what we’re all striving for.

I’d invite you to my Facebook feed, where super-moms chat AT LENGTH about the wraps they have for baby-wearing. They also discuss the horrifying monsters who put their babies in cribs, which is exactly what Hitler would have done if Hitler were a terrible mother and not a dictator.

RIP the comments section. My son is almost one so I’m just now wading into the mommy wars, but the biggest one by far has been how to handle sleep issues.

Folks. There isn’t enough funding going into mental health. There aren’t enough facilities/beds, and in the rare instances where there are, it’s difficult to keep staffing up so that those beds can be filled. Mental health workers are often overworked and underpaid, and in those spaces where more is needed (outreach

These people never get the point. Yes, you have the right to abandon a disabled woman on the side of the road. No one is saying you don’t have the right to do that. It just makes you a terrible and disgusting human being who uses religion to justify truly evil behavior. But congratulations on your rights and all!

“And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

LOL @ “ohh Honey, you will know when you are in labor.” Guess what: Things feel different for everybody. I’m gonna say it again.

The one thing I’d tell all mothers is don’t worry if you don’t experience that amazing-feeling-of-pure-twue-love-omg-this-is-wonderful-and-beautiful ooey-gooey sentiment that everyone seems to expect. I got really tired of this weird expectation from my female relatives and friends that I extemporize on the warm,

I didn’t experience an instantaneous rush of love for either of my children the moment after they were born. I was excited, but it was a sort of feeling like “here is a brand new person I’ve never met before.”