
I didn’t mind this because I relate to this.

We grew up mixing mayo and ketchup for tater tots. We called it “pink sauce”.

Post on fb that’s you want to give them away

It’s like no one financial status has ever changed after getting pregnant! Or has bc that fails! Or isn’t unable to get an abortion!

Also, most daycares will not cloth diaper.

If you have friends and family planning to host a shower for you, insist on diapers and wipes. Diapers OF ALL SIZES. Ask for nothing else.

I too am a red head who fries and I find many reasonable options on amazon. I don’t know how you make a rash guard “hip” but several surf brands are available. The last one I bought was under $30 and is for juniors.

Kalorie Karbdashian is an amazing drag name.

This isthe issue, in part.

I don’t know why more people don’t wear these. They aren’t expensive, offer amazing skin coverage and have cut my sun burning down to nothing in the summer. You can be out all day and if you also have a hat on, just need to worry about your legs. I’ve worn one for years and the number of people I’ve had ask me about

Childcare isn’t new. Women used to just stay home home. They didn’t work. Grandma and aunties were around.

My friends and neighbors are all working. Where do i find these people with nothing else happening in life and are dying to watch my kid for me?

This was my exact thought.

I saw a drag king live once, by accident. He was filling in for a queen who was ill.


They should care. Many of them will be old enough to vote in the next election. Don’t underestimate the power of angry young people.

Oh god I had so many baby barrettes. They were my thing. I wore them religiously for two solid years.

My thoughts as well. No one really needs to be taught life isn’t easy. For most people this becomes quickly apparent. But to weather the storm, you need people to give you skills, show you how to communicate and cope and ask for help. You need people to show you love and how to care for yourself. Because life is hard.

I live near the store this ticket was sold. She could be living in an idyllic country side setting and have no desire to leave. Travel, sure. But it’s actually pretty nice here.

You get a lot of weird shit for only having one kid. People telling you their childhoods will be desolate, lonely and depressing. That you are saddling them with a future that is isolating, unfair as they won’t have anyone to share in elder care. That you are stunting them emotionally. That they will be weird, have no