
What does feeling “off” even mean? I felt off every day I was pregnant. And that was always changing.

The bit about bonding is true and it’s a huge disservice to new moms to have this myth that the moment you give birth you are deeply attached and in love with your baby.

It’s not THAT bad. Jesus fucking Christ who do you talk to?! Yes there will be a short time where life is CHAOS and hobbies go by the way side. It is a short period of time. Arrange for a sitter ahead of time so you get time to go out. Figure out how supportive family will be. When kiddo is old enough, if a sitter

I get what you are saying, but why does it matter? I only have one kid and am going to have one kid and I still need the flexibility that someone with 5 kids needs as well.

My daughter is only 2 and no...a lot of girls clothes aren't made for play. The children's place makes yoga pants starting in infant sizes. They are awesome

I’ve never cried over a celebrity death. This one? Bawled in my car like no other.

This is amazing

Your body is SO jacked up after birth. For a lot of people it’s not like dropping “normal" lbs

After having my baby, I he crippling PPD for over a year. Every day was impossible. The little energy I had went to keeping the person I made alive and well. That year felt like a decade. I had daily panic attacks.

I'm so sorry

Yeah I'm full on raging right now. Wtf is this shit?

The real question is why is your husband so fucking uninvolved?

Its a life experience. Like climbing Everest or traveling to every continent or base jumping. It isn’t all bad and it really is quite the ride.

I recall boys doing things like this ALL THE TIME until high school and literally no one did anything. Boy behind you unsnap your bra? Someone run by a pull your dress up? Butt slapped? Breast groped? Totally ignored.


It has to. I'm not saying people with unicorn babies can't or don't get PPD. I'm guessing their PPD probably isn't nearly as bad as someone who is hallucinating due to sleep deprivation and is being screamed at 16 hours a day for weeks on end.

I don’t think cloth diapers would be a solution. Not only is it costly upfront but if you don’t have a car and can’t afford to buy the bulk diapers there is a solid chance you don’t have a washing machine and dryer. Now you have to find a way to take your baby to the laundry may constantly and pay to do loads of

This is all I could think while reading it. This entire family has had what has to be countless plaztoic surgeries. They wear piles of makeup. Their shtick is skin tight clothing. No one is shaming are full of shit and we are sick of looking at you. Her sexuality has made her famous and I’m sure very

Its so true. I was pretty young when it was on and I recall liking it then but much going over my head. I rewatch it now and it could be made for today.

Red Robin is AWFUL. It should be in the bottom 5. Cheesecake Factory needs to be higher.