
You’re not Deepthroat. You posted a blog, yes, you’re a blogger, not a journalist, that was very one-sided, not very much based in fact,early out of the gate, and now you’ve made yourself part of the story. Harassment is wrong, I don’t condone it. But at the same time, there’s the saying, “Don’t poke the bear.” You,

You’re not a journalist. You’re not an editor in chief. You’re a blog, and that’s been a popular claim here. If you were a journalist and EIC, you’d actually hold yourself and your staff to some standards. In the past, you’ve defended, and stifled comments, where one of your “writers” said anyone accused of rape

I think I’ve finally hit my breaking point when it comes to this pathetic site, and Gawker Media in general. If they didn’t want to release it here because of backlash, that becomes censorship out of fear. This site criticizes silly things to get clicks, stuff that most people don’t even care about, and then you make

The fact that you have the writer of this article claim he was victimized because he’s a “SJW” is all you need for this pathetic sob story.