
They’re one of those cheap-o Chinese clothing websites where the clothes often look nothing like the photos. Buyer beware!

Love her.

The fans scare me more than anything. I believe it was on Jezebel that they chronicled going to a live show for some Youtube folk. It was then that I realized that this new world order has left me behind.

If that doesn’t give you the breakout of a lifetime I don’t know what does.

Word. The post lost me at “Vine stars.”

Now playing

They put layers and layers of concealer/foundation/whatever on their faces. It’s ridiculous.

Unrelated: I’m gonna start hiding Ghostface in the background of pics just to troll ToddlerNom years from now.

Most beauty bloggers/vloggers are pretty bad at doing makeup. Most of them just cake it on. They put layers and layers of concealer/foundation/whatever on their faces. It’s ridiculous. I watch that shit religiously.

They look so flammable. And itchy.

She’s a beauty blogger who is not actually good at make-up. And, she’s popular?

Yeah, there is a very generous definition of beauty blogger being applied here.

and terrible side-swept hair.

How can you be a beauty blogger when your repertoire consists solely of silver eye shadow and poorly drawn eyeliner?

I can’t understand how any editor with two brain cells to run together didn’t immediately flag this as advertising. It's not subtle.

Right, but to be fair I don’t think Jezebel has ever published anything as revolting as that A Person Who I Vaguely Knew Who Had Serious Mental Health Issues Died And I Think She’s Better Off That Way “article”.

Remember the fat black chick in a yoga class article?

I keep waiting for some airhead on xoJane to talk about how we’re all beautiful and we should ignore the haters and then we should buy Dove conditioner and Dove hairspray to show the world that we don’t care about consumerism or unrealistic beauty standards because we all need to think positive and that will solve

This is stupid. Is anyone else just sick of the whole box business in general? Between food boxes, cosmetic boxes, box this and box that. Not everything has to been portioned out for $25 a month in sample sizes. Unless it is $25 for all the wine in the world.

“As xoJane’s perpetually fed-up commentariat quickly noted”

Every time I read a story about xoJane, I wonder if it’s a big con set up by MRA types to make women look terrible... but I suspect it’s actually a big con set up by corporations to sell products like breakup boxes.