I think that the Queen would love to skip right over Charles and give the crown to William if there were any possible way of doing so.
I think that the Queen would love to skip right over Charles and give the crown to William if there were any possible way of doing so.
Shangela deserved the win. Girl brought elegance, beauty and class to the competition and her looks were always amazing. Trixie is fun—but been there, done that.
Of course! The First Amendendment is every racist’s favorite one......you know.... right after the 2nd Amendment of course.
Yea, these people shouldnt be breeding. In all seriousness though...since Dylann was 21 and not living at home (correct me if I’m wrong) when he committed his crime, I assume social services wouldn’t have a legal leg to stand on to investigate the parents, even if the parents are obviously pieces of shit. Since Morgan…
Interesting coincidence (?!) that Welles uses Chaplin as an example since Chaplin also had a thing for underage girls....blech.
I really wasn’t impressed by the “White Queen” series from a few years ago. I wish that they would adapt historian Alison Weir’s novels instead. She’s a much better writer and doesn’t play as loose with the facts as Gregory does. That said, I’ll still probably check it out.
Thats awesome! Please keep me posted on how things go.
Suck it Caitlyn. You knew what was in the Kool aid when you drank it. You don’t get to complain about the taste a year later.
Each group reading a different chapter so the whole class “reads” the entire book?!? That’s a great way to teach kids to hate books and reading. Sounds like you managed to at least overcome that problem on your own.... :)
You are very welcome! It sounds like a great organization to work for.
If it is something you’re passionate about keep at it. I would contact them (preferably by phone but if not at least the email of an actual person) mention that you submitted an app/resume when you saw the original posting and noticed that the job had been reposted. Ask if they somehow missed it the first time (even…
Going to see it Sunday. What did you think? Did you read the book?
Woah. Congrats on your patience! Guess you can look at it like you will appreciate the finished product soooo much more because of the amount of work put into it.
So the bestie and I are going to see “Wrinkle” tomorrow afternoon. I read the book repeatedly as a kid (although I abandoned the series in the middle of book 3 because tween me found it too boring and religious) but always thought it would be a difficult story to make into a film. I see that it’s gotten mixed reviews,…
I feel like she would be the target audience for the people that put together Frye Festival.
The documentary is so. effing. depressing. in many ways because it shows how the majority of people around her just used her—including family—and discouraged her from getting help. Such as loss of talent.
Really Kim K? You used a beauty filter and mouse ears on the face of your six week old BABY? I can’t even. . .
Re stomach issues with antidepressants: I think that the whole gut being your “second brain” thing and producing a large part of the serotonin in your body is the reason that stomach issues and depression often go hand in hand.
Oh! I’m a history buff who is really fascinated by that period between the wars and was excited to see a mystery series set in Weimar Republic Germany on Netflix. I haven’t seen any episodes yet, but I’ll be sure to check it out.
Low and high blood sugar levels release chemicals in the body that have a distinct odor that is undetectable by humans, but can be detected by dogs, who have a finer sense of smell. People who are diabetics use these dogs to alert them to sudden changes in blood sugar levels, which can cause people to pass out, have a…