Just here for the comments

This made my day.  Please comment on as many articles as possible.

I rarely reply to these but just catching the headline oh my goodness so sad but yet too easy for me. Any idea how many albums Tupac put out by the age of 25?Ever seen any of his movies? No I’m not saying he’s a top-notch actor but ever seen say....a basketball player try to (act Michael Jordan :-).He actually

Biggie, Biggie, Biggie, can’t u see, sometimes they exploit your death for shitty TV

See also:

The answer is because everything that made Tupac and Biggie resonate so strongly as artists had everything to do with the truths they told about the society they grew up in and the adversity they faced. Hollywood isn’t ready to tackle those issues.

I hear you, and I do believe this administration has bungled the entire Puerto Rico recovery effort to an almost absurd degree. They clearly don’t give a single fuck about the island’s people or their well-being, and their indifference is clearly rooted in the deep-seated and obvious racism of Trump and his team.

I believe it has to do with the fact that no one (outside of residents and family of residents) gives a fuck. This article has a whopping 2 comments (counting mine). My Aunt, Cousins, and Uncle came to the mainland to escape the horrible conditions in Puerto Rico, my uncle nearly dying since he went weeks without his

I didn’t want to blow their mind & by letting them know I’m half Irish & Callahan is not my slave I took the ‘friendly’ way out.

I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!

Worst of all, Lee Fang is a Terp. He didn’t do journalism (and our alma mater has a pretty fantastic j-school), but maybe if he did, he wouldn’t have gotten burned by Mr. Johnson here.

You know that thing about how we have to be four times as good .. ?

It’s funny when people cone fir Michael because he is A. Smarter than they are, and B. Savage. 👏

Lee Fang is a fucking hack. He earned this dragging.

I’ve said before, I don’t care if I’m saying it again... I love this site. That is all.

I’m surprised that Fang thinks I’d be dumb enough to communicate with any political source on my work email. That’s Journalism 101. He might need to retake that class; I’ll save him a seat when I teach it next fall.

Excuse my language, but Jilani sounds like a punk ass bitch.

I am, and I’m loving how messy this dragging will get.

Jason, I know this piece wasnt for us because we know you, we trust your judgment and your integrity. This piece was, for lack of a better phrase, the mothafuckin haters. Everyday we come to the Root to learn (ok and have fun with Michael H) from you and the other staff and (some of) the commenters. I hope you know we

First Megan McArdle tried Michael, now these cowards (which I say given that Zaid was too scurred to mention you or The Root directly, and Fang FOIA’d you instead of reaching out; you know how afraid wypipo are) tried you. The keyword here is “tried,” because you both dropped all opposition. Thank you for

He didn’t delete this!