
Seriously? Have you heard of this thing called the stock market? Because if they put away 5 million when she was born, and it averaged a modest 4% annual return for 18 years, then when she reaches adulthood, she has almost 11 million to her name, which is more than the average American will see in their whole life.

Well sure, but could parents who think it’s reasonable to bribe people to get what they want raise kids with proper moral standards? Family stuff is so complicated.

I highly doubt they’re all gone. And even if they are rich/famous people tend to be able to make new ones pretty easily. I doubt Olivia Jade will be lacking in endorsements forever.

Its her own fault. However two things can be true at the same time

She’s absolutely popular because she’s rich. How do you think becoming an influencer even works? 

I’d like to think that I was smart enough by 18, or even 12, to realize my family was up to some serious illegal stuff and tell them I don’t want to be a part of it.

Eh, I’m pretty sure 1%-ers can make sure their children lead a life of relative comfort without working while also lacking the .1%’s ability to donate a building.

Lol, are you serious? Her dad is worth half a billion dollars, dude.  They are actually rich.

Yeah, that’s what bothers me about the Huffman/Loughlin comparisons. Huffman paid $15,000 to have her daughter’s SAT scores changed. That’s bad. Loughlin and her husband paid $500,000 to commit fraud for their two daughters, and were running around threatening and intimidating people. That’s MUCH worse. However much

Really? I thought I had to pay extra for that.

Page Six said that Aunt Becky entered the courtroom all smiles and personally shook the hands of all four prosecutors. Forgive me if this is an indelicate thing to say, but she seems like a fucking psycho!

If her parents were rich enough to just fund her lifestyle like that, they wouldn’t have needed to do the illegal bribe. They would instead donate enough money to build a new building, and the dean would use one of his discretionary slots to get them into the school. Which is perfectly legal, as those slots are

Remember when Scarlett Johansson dated that jeweler in NYC? The celebrity trash media (Entertainment Tonight, et al) acted like she was Mother fucking Theresa for dating a “regular ol’ guy”. Yes, a jeweler *to the stars* is a fucking regular guy.

You should be very concerned. Access to the site requires insertion of an anal probe.

Yes. Because you know in the culture of that school, success and wealth make you a wonderful person.  Integrity and a set of ethics are for the poors, like the sad-assed counselor who had the nerve to question the Alpha People!!!

What a shitty shitty shitty job to be that hs counselor trying to have a shred of integrity in the face of outright privileged injustice.

I read this in Veruca Salt’s voice.

“Mummy, you’ve destroyed my life! I shan’t speak to you ever again! Now....give me this week’s sack of money immediately!”

Apparently the 200-page affidavit for the Varsity Blues case is an amazing read, per the Atlantic article. When the high school counselor confronted one of Aunt Becky’s kids about the crew thing, Aunt Becky and Mr. Aunt Becky ripped the high school counselor a new one. They’re trash.

I see nothing wrong with what she said!