
Yeah, exactly. Subsequently the police/fbi got involved but I don't think anybody has ever named what she's officially charged with. I guess they could make something up about Nomi's hacking if they need a pretence but the general gist is just that the big shady bad guy organisation is hunting her down and she can't

They are not speaking English to their own family/friends/etc - what this is is a sort of universal translator situation in
that we as the audience understand it as English but the characters are
actually talking in their native languages with each other.

It's been ages since I rewatched S1 so I'm not sure she was accused of an actual crime but it's rather that BPO is hunting her down like the other sensates and they're pulling some strings in the background siccing the cops/fbi on her like they did with Jonas.

I think they've even talked about it at some point (possibly JMS in some interview) but it's a concious decision by the production because with all those languages it would be a freaking nightmare to write and film it. Instead what we get is a sort of universal translator situation in that we as the audience

It's been about 6 months, I think. There were a lot of time skips in this episode - many of the scenes had a very "slice of life" kinda quality with many montages thrown into it as well. There wasn't really that much urgency despite the "on-the-lam storylines" cause it's mostly just to get people up to speed with what