
Oops yep you're right, confirmed:

Lucky man. It probably helped in a way that I hadn't been exposed to Sgt Pepper's "best of all time" reputation, since I was able to just listen to it free from those kind of expectations as baggage. Still, I kind of wish my parents' musical exposure to me had ever gone beyond Stevie Ray Vaughn and Pink Floyd (not

He clearly made an effort to avoid just using the word "overrated," aka the laziest descriptor in all of criticism.

It's also worth noting that, according to legend anyway, Brian Wilson made Pet Sounds as a direct challenge to Revolver and put every ounce of his creative energy into topping the Beatles' latest masterpiece. Then he heard Sgt. Pepper for the first time and became completely dejected that they had topped him yet

It probably has something to do with my relative ignorance of music in general, but I had the prototypical Sgt. Pepper experience while hearing it for the first time, beginning-to-end, in a History of Rock class in 10th grade: it completely blew me away and inspired me to explore the Beatles and classic rock in

I really enjoy her work otherwise, but she never really seemed to fit in with SNL's tone. Her acting was always so mannered/stilted, which didn't mesh with the show's silly/zany sketches.

Yeah, don't think we EVER aren't fooled, Microsoft. We're total dumbshits.

I was all in on seeing this while watching the trailer…until that shot of blood pouring from a woman's mouth into a man's mouth, presumably while they're having sex. Now I'm not sure my stomach can take it…

That's what I meant; they're not homophobic in and of themselves, unless maybe you take his other more heated gay-hating lyrics into account (which even then is a stretch). The Elton thing to me was an acknowledgement that it was motivated by sincerity rather than prejudice. Honestly, that's the only reason I can

Oops yep, you're right; the part I was thinking of comes right after:

The scene that really got me back in the day was the standoff between Damon and Clive Owen in that field of tall grass. There's no dialogue until it's already over, but the mechanics of Bourne and the assassin trying to outmaneuver each other is so masterfully done.

Maybe it's just nostalgia, but I'll always love this song. Don't get Barsanti's conception of its "message" at all, since Em's verse at the end is all about trying to make amends with a fan who wanted more than he was possibly capable of giving.

……it's a sitcom. There is no plot.

I find the lumpy shapelessness of cargo shorts does a great job not accentuating my pudgy figure.

I get the sentiment, just mocking the extremely roundabout route O'Neal took getting there.

Paraphrased: "I hate Austin Powers. And by that I don't mean I hate the movie…or the character…or Myer's performance of the character…but bad/easy imitations of the character."


He has one that looks like it holds an aquarium or terrarium, I think that's it? Not sure, it was a bit cloudy in there.

SV is good with the background sound jokes. Remember Erlich's steamroller-induced coughing fit last year?

Agreed, it's nothing short of a feat for a sitcom to make us forget it's a sitcom with such regularity. It can go down whatever rabbit hole of the tech world it chooses and drastically raise stakes through a particular plot, but the real story of the show will always be the core Pied Piper group dicking around in