
The good ones are very hard to spot; I haven't tried one in the last few years, but its always been luck of the draw. I had to get out of the game after winning a gigantic kickball from a machine at Hershey Park, because I could never top that. I just didn't want to be one of those guys who plays past his prime, you

I found a claw machine at my main childhood movie theater that was somehow not totally rigged, and I could win more often than not. The little stuffed prizes were always very cheap and/or very creepy, so I would usually hide them in my big sister's room to annoy her. Pranks for only 50 cents a pop!

Believe it or not, I actually watched NWMD in a high school geography class. That was apparently the best representation of Middle Eastern culture the guy could think of.

This is unrelated to anything, but do any other phone users here think this Taboola shit is getting out of hand? I swear, it takes up half the article length at this point.

They make the algorithm…..everybody like it!

I thought it was interesting how Frank's accent seems to disappear whenever he and Claire are shouting at each other this past season (particularly that one fight on AF1; you know the one). The change was so complete that it made me wonder if the folksy accent was just another part of the persona Frank has constructed

Even if that were true across the board, what's the practical difference to the student? As long as you're learning and getting better…

Yeah, it's just like all those suckers out there actually willing to pay for music lessons when wanting to be better musicians. Wake up, sheeple!

I feel the same about the Ecks Men stuff. Plenty of good lines sprinkled throughout (the "white college kids" bit hit home for me in a big way) but LaToya's Seltzer/Friedburg comparison was sadly rather apt. If movie pastiches are going to be the norm this season, I hope they choose a few that lend themselves to more

The reviews I've read for this episode (all two of them) are pretty down on SQ, but I thought the seemingly-improvised bit at the beginning of his interview where he's calmly urging Scott to kill himself was the biggest laugh of the episode. He wasn't all that involved during the later segments (as the celebrity

I really enjoyed this one as a regular listener, but I get how it could be seen as a bit grating to those unfamiliar with Scott and Ben's normal dynamic (which is basically constant riffing and singing at this point).

Great episode, great review.

I got a Frank Abagnale notification for this?

Ooh la la, papa, ooh la la! Oompa oompa!

Yes, and I would suggest starting from the very beginning so that you can best appreciate the colossal number of running bits that the Scotts cram into every single episode.

So I guess this means we have Mike Myers to thank for Casino Royale (the best Bond movie for my money), as well as the two plodding, undercooked entries that followed.

Most people don't know that, at its core, Airplane! is actually a very somber exploration of PTSD. Moves me to tears* every time.

This reads like it was written by Tig Notaro's stalker from a couple years ago. There was a long period where every article about her on any site would be accompanied by long, inflammatory comments about what a horrible person she was and how she paid off city officials to make someone (ahem) look like a stalker. I

This is a common reaction, and I think it's largely due to CBB's (and Scott's) penchant for anti-comedy; jokes are often meant to be enjoyed on an ironic level (I.e. it's funny that this guy just said this dumb/unfunny thing) as well as a literal one. The show draws from this well more often than the podcast, and it

I know that feel. I've been a huge fan of Harris since first hearing him on CDR a few years ago, and to hear him talk so candidly about his heroin misadventures was funny and gut-wrenching all at once. Hope sobriety works out for him this time around.