Pretender of the Galaxy


*sets controls to the heart of the pun*

I can't wait for this movie to be shot in New Zealand

Me and my friend missed last week and the first few minutes of this week, and we spent the entire show wondering who got voted off last week. Even when I looked it up, neither of us could remember who Samantha was or what her style/gimmick was, even after looking up her photo. Neither of us realized that Char

That was so clever it hurt.

Vague voice-overs and flashbacks don't constitute a preview. I'm still going to watch it, too bad they couldn't give us a hint of what's to come.

Amanda's going crazy paranoid that a stalker is trying to rape her, so Irisa and Tommy are on watch while she continues to lose it. Then, when she sees a shadowy figure pass by the door, both Irisa and Tommy leave her alone to investigate and hand her a gun to protect herself? How does this make any sense at all? This