
Huh... I’d never considered that anyone might want a bandage that’s in their own skin color.

Ah I didn’t think about that one as there are products for combatting hyperpigmentation in other skincare lines (I just picked one up at Murad last weekend), but I could see how products aimed at targeting sunspots and melasma on paler skin might need to use different ingredients (or at different concentrations) than

Wouldn’t the X-Files lead our investigators to find out that he was only presumed dead, but went on to work directly for the government on secret research projects after his “death.”  His family got dog ashes.

Evil authoritarian regime vs. evil mad scientist. What a fascinating time to be alive.

If this guy offers to clone President Xi for all eternity, then He might just avoid the death penalty...

Yes dear, but sane people understand the value of the people actually TAKING the risk - in this case, those two baby girls or their parents - giving properly informed consent to it.

He’ll be killed by someone.  I watched X-Files.  I know what happens.

yeah, that’s fine by me! Humans shouldn’t be shackled by accidents of genetics. We have this sick culture where if you’re “deficient” in some way then it’s acceptable to modify, but merely wanting to be better isn’t. You have to have crippling ADD before you can get drugs that enhance focus, not just want to focus

And by personal corruption we mean that of mid-ranked fall guy functionaries, not their crooked bosses.

They’re babies, all we know is didn’t cause them to be born with any missing or extra parts. Give it a decade and see what results from his recklessness. Maybe nothing, maybe some minor benefit, maybe a they’ll be sterile, maybe one of their organs won’t develop properly during puberty and they’ll die before reaching

state would have an interest in providing a strong disincentive to rogue genetic manipulation by scientists.

That is the stupidest thing I’ve seen written on this subject so far.

Personal corruption.  Not state corruption.

Er...I mean it is an officially atheist state... 

He didn’t create a life. He interjected in the process of life creation between two other people with unknown consequences recklessly for his own ego.

Well, a rich guy is obviously the smartest person in the room as well.

There is literally nothing that we can do or have done that wasn’t with known, severe, side effects. For every disease or “defect” eliminated with this so-called correction new ones are found or are drastically increased in susceptibility.

We might not have some of the very issues we’re now trying to fix with this tech. very rich

The pronouns in this article were hard to follow...