
Or a stroller, like the Texas couple that stole a shark out of an aquarium by smuggling it in the stroller.

We here in MA have begun to have wine, beer and even mixed drinks available in movie theaters. It is nice. A little popcorn. A little beer. Full recline seats. That’ll get you through any kids movie. 

Sure, because if parents get fucked up they must have gotten wasted while they were pregnant.

Eh, people just assume your coparent is around somewhere with the child.

You might want to back away from the keyboard for a bit, what with your blood pressure and all.

No way. Anybody who brings Xanax, hard liquor, and their child to a movie theater has already had plenty of experience mixing alcohol and prescription drugs.

Even setting that possibility aside, I’d bet real money she’s driven drunk with the kid in the car before.

fake colostomy bag instead?

If she doesn’t care enough about the kid to NOT drive drunk/stoned/etc with him in the car, what makes you think she cared enough about him when he was in utero?

False equivalency, smartass.  Blood pressure meds are not tranquilizers.

Well, if Mom hadn’t hogged all the sippy-cup-booze, the kid would likely have nodded off and nobody would have been the wiser. #Allthingsinmoderation

You got super sensitive over Trolling’s comment about anyone on medication who drinks has a drinking problem and vented about your blood pressure meds.  I pointed out that Trolling clearly is referencing the mood altering meds inferred by the article.

“I’ll allow it!”

Our daughter is five, hasn’t ridden in a stroller for years, but when we recently went do Disneyland we took the stroller with us for the sole reason of taking in our boozy drinks with us, hidden in plain sight right there in the stroller’s drink holders. GENIUS!

Did you clear it with your doctor first and make sure it was okay? If so, then you are fine. If not, then yes, you have a drinking problem.

“ don’t get belligerently drunk when caring for your children,”

I hope for her sake she gets in front of Judge Kavanaugh

Also, just noticed that it says she had a “strong alcoholic beverage”.  The wine reference is clearly Kate’s mistaken assumption.

I’ve seen this too many times to go with that particular assumption. Whatever meds she’s on, she very likely has a drinking problem.

Something tells me that when the police say “strong alcoholic beverage”, they don’t mean white wine. Good on the theater employees for stopping her from driving off, though.