
I recently had an opportunity to shoot an interview with the global ceo of Nielsen. She broke down a lot of their methods for tracking digital views now and in the future. That is to say, I don't think it's "flawed," it just takes time to implement.

@JC257: HAHAHAHAHAHA There was surely no shortage of ammunition with all those batteries. Seriously, that bitch had TWO battery compartments.

@Fvash: Fortunately it came with an AC adapter and I had a rechargeable battery pack.

Proud GameGear owner since second grade. *fist pump*

While we're at it, you're welcome.

@MaxPoint: If he's smart it's XKCD and Cyanide & Happiness with Hipster Hitler pulling up a close 4th.

I love you for the Wallace and Gromit reference. Classic.

@FritzLaurel: Seriously, their thousands of files don't take up THAT much space. I guarantee you we've all downloaded bigger torrents than that. They could distribute the SHIT out of it.

First thought: Cool!

@RayBradbury's_ElephantMonastery: Duh, but no one would have ever known it happened if the cop deleted the sent messages and the guy didn't get it in his bill.

@dennis636223: It's possible I suppose, especially if he doesn't have unlimited text/mms. I guess since I never read mine I assumed nobody does haha.

Did the cop not delete the sent messages? Derp.