What's with all the footage nowadays that has this rather dull color palette. I really like the depth of field, but why is it now a sin to have vibrant color?
What's with all the footage nowadays that has this rather dull color palette. I really like the depth of field, but why is it now a sin to have vibrant color?
@Lemcott87: we can only dream
Good call @1:34.
I kinda enjoy the idea of the transcontinental roadtrip... If I was filthy rich, I'd do it.
Umm I live in that building. (Seriously, the one in the first clip.) How did I not see this?
@ddrussianinja: My complaint is not against Gizmodo. I understand why they would post this. Hell, I would even expect them to post this. My complaint is against OK Go for being gimmick-driven, viral video mongering, molesters of music.
@Chernobyl: Seriously, their music sucks and they get notoriety for doing these lame-ass videos and gimmicks. Lame.
@NorthernRoamer: You get a heart click simply because of your vocabulary.
@TomServo: Also, Avatar sucked.
I love the rating at the end. Am I supposed to be persuaded to start using a PC for all my shitty, stop-motion animations?
Starsiege: Tribes.
@pixelsnader: Now we're just pushing the limits of this joke...
@LeftClicker: It gets.... Better?
@Ding-Dang: it gets worse... it was a actually a roller ball mouse...
White. Balance.
If you like trip hop:
Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker on Jerry Springer when the paternity tests come back negative. *Awkward!*
@battra92: Hey, you got Metropolis in my Wax Tailor! Mmmmmmmm...
"...mostly so I can start my days playing Duo Roulette, where I spin the display to figure out whether I've got to use an underpowered tablet or an underpowered laptop all day"
@dtownkid21: He had it bookmarked on his iPad even. Steve Wozniak has an account, comments rarely, and sometimes writes guest columns. But like the other people said, after the whole iPhone 4 deal, our good standing is up in the air haha