
@JordanGold: Ah gotcha haha I was like, "Damn, I know weed is expensive some places but that is like woah!"

@JordanGold: but this is mexican weed, probably not worth $350/oz imho.

@Boomdiggity!: If I remember my prop 19 correctly, 4.8 Billion....

Those two teenagers in the back are REALLY enjoying the movie...

@redeye: Seriously, who the hell is this guy? I use a pipe to smoke great weed.

Wow, where's Frooch when we need him? With all due respect, Mr. Moyland, you are just straight wrong.

What tomorrow's voting means for everyone else.

They mechanized what I have done with scissors in the past. Well played. (No pun intended.)

@OMG! liftedngifted1!: Social networking phones clearly have a precedent of being very successful. Oh, wait.....

@MasterYong: My parents sold my car so when I go home I roll in one of these. I blast dubstep out of it and people stare. Good times.

I guess Blast Briefs failed their beta tests...

@D.LYTE: This is a heart-click for you from a fellow grammar fanatic.

@ortizlgnd4: When I mentioned frames per second I was stating that the human eye cannot perceive the difference between 50 and 500 frames per second. I am aware that we do not process information in frames. I was asking if you have any scientific information relating to the pixel density we can perceive. I'll take

@ortizlgnd4: Well, the human eye can only see so many frames per second so I wouldn't rule out the notion that at some point it can't tell the difference between two different amounts of ppi. Is there any scientific data on that?

Do not surrender what liberties you have left.

image fail

What the hell is this world coming to?

so people are just going to fist pump for hours? I guess that would make your bitch-punching hand stronger...