
Rare to see such good kinja these days.

It is piloted by the aged vin diesel. And of course he busts it out of the building through the use of...wait for it...NOS!

This is better researched than most recent true crime series.

It’s all very reminiscent of MLK...

People who claim Cyclops is their favorite are the people who complain about being “friend zoned”. People who claim Cyclops is their favorite put two quarters in the Salvation Army bucket and then say all year “I donate to the Salvation Army”. I could go on but we all get the picture.

Interesting perspective. I get what you mean there. I would agree sometimes the mystery is better left unexplained. Like when the SW prequels tried to explain how midichloreans worked. +1 for you sir/madam.

That’s kind of an assault on all big budget popcorn flicks then. Most don’t even explain at all why their monsters showed up. For evidence of that I point you to literally every alien invasion movie starring Tom Cruise. At least in this case they provide a scenario (partial collision tearing apart space time). Is it

I must be the only person but I loved the movie. I was so suprised that literally every outlet (including those that don’t cover movies) went out of their way to shit talk it. 1)It did a decent job of connecting the franchise and explaining how the giant monster ended up in NYC. 2) It had a very good cast. 3) I found

Now that’s an idea.

My take: Holdo and Lea were close and she knew her thinking and admiration for Poe. As such, she gave Poe a hard time but secretly she was rooting for him. She figured she would let him undergo his plan because hers was no sure thing itself. In fact, it almost completely failed and led to Luke having to sacrifice

Yeah and add in Vince Vaughn reprising his character from Lost World. I know what your thinking but they brought back Darth Maul so...

You take the good, you take the bad,
you take them both and there you have
The facts of life (In Detroit)

I hear Dwayne Johnson is under consideration for that role as well.

I think we can all agree indie games are doing phenomenal on the switch BUT this story is misleading due to a quirk of the console. Switches have super small internal hard drives that just ONE major title game would completely fill up. Also, the “physical” games aren’t discs but instead tiny SD cards that given a good

I think this is really more of a Card-Based Waffle Game.

Ringworld deserves more attention. I can’t imagine how they are going to do it visually but I want to find out.

You could wait until the final month and start a free trial of all access. Then you can watch the whole series for free. This is my plan.

Another element is that games take up almost no memory when game cartridges are inserted. The hard drive is really only for storing the store exclusive games which are typically really small. Sonic Mania is less than 1gb.

This article is classic Deadspin at its finest! A little hint to those readers missing the connection: this article is not about Jay Cutler.

Thanks for this article. It is very illustrative of the issues surrounding automation in our lives today. In a way, it wasn’t Quakebots fault because the faulty alert was put out due to human error by the geological society. But on the other hand, a human reporter would have caught the error before publication for