Can’t you just map the one of those functions to a different key?
Can’t you just map the one of those functions to a different key?
Well in a way B.S. does power the world through its influence on global financial markets.
Hey this one got me thinking today so I thought I owed you a reply. I think our confusion stems from the difference between “meters squared” and “square meters”. So while you are definitely correct that a square space which is 60 million meters on each side would not be equal to 60 million square meters in area (it…
I think he was saying if you take all the minecraft blocks (including above and below ground) and stretched them out on one surface. And then compared that to the surface of Neptune. But yeah its a weird comparison. This whole article is super weird actually. But math is fun so there’s that.
I’ll just leave this here.
As the kind of RPG player who usually skips side quests and doesn’t really like crafting, I guess I shouldn’t really like No Man’s Sky. That said, articles like this have me second guessing myself. Perhaps the reason I always hate “side quests” and “crafting” is because in the games I usually play they feel tacked on…
Have you even seen Walking Tall?
Its kind of like how he labels his press clarifications: “Trump Statement on Dishonest Media”. I mean, that is some North Korean sounding shit if I have ever heard it.
Thanks for reminding me of this. It was the best part of the whole saga. She actually got so frustrated at one point that she actually said to Rove: “Is this just math that you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better?”. Source.
- I always adjust the slider so that the image/logo/icon is more than just slightly visible.
Although its smart to drink bourbon straight or with water so that you don’t guzzle it down like a Jack and Coke, be prepared that if you drink bourbon this way for long enough you get so accustomed to the taste that the “slowing effect” will diminish greatly. Its kind of like when you first switch to drinking coffee…
Stephen Miller is the deranged yet sincere Nazi playwright! He is the only one who I really think believes in the crap Trump is spewing. Mostly because he’s a naive little man who cut his political teeth working for Jeff Sessions.
I wonder the legality of this. Its not just the game play concept that is nearly exactly the same, but also the visuals. Also, the maker of Rocket League is a small studio and Blizzard is about the biggest game maker out there. Seems kind of a mean spirited to completely rip off Psyonix’s only commercially successful…
That mental image is perfect.
They just gotta get their heads down, tighten their belts, roll up their sleeves, lace up their bootstraps and they will have those problems fixed in a jiffy! But in all seriousness, someone should tell them that if they have their heads down while working at a computer they are doing it all wrong.
I expect this is going to be a real field day for high school students whose teachers are Trump supporters. When asked to write an essay on the Civil War they can just copy paste the Gettysburg address and then defend themselves by saying that “these are common words and values”.
Yes but you aren’t the target market for this thing. Like most things from Nintendo, its for “casual gamers”. People who think Rasberry Pi is a dessert. I predict they will sell more of these than Wii Us (I know its a low bar).
I found this somewhat confusing so just to be helpful to others: This doesn’t refer to CP. A 34 CP Caterpie and a 10 CP Caterpie are both 12 candy to evolve. So while you want to evolve your lower tier types of Pokemon, you still should be evolving the highest CP of that type first. The low CP ones you’ll most likely…
That one sure messed me up when I first started playing. Kind of funny how a supposed tutorial article failed at teaching the most basic mechanic in the game.
If you want to play a ghostbusters game do yourself a favor and play this. Excellent original story written by Dan Akroyd and the late great Harold Ramis. Original cast (including secondary characters) doing voice work. The gameplay is a bit lacking but the story and atmospherics more than make up for it. This game…