Can someone who has played this game explain why they had to remove “Obama skins”? Why would a game about dots eating other dots have “Obama skins” anywhere in it that needed to be removed?
Can someone who has played this game explain why they had to remove “Obama skins”? Why would a game about dots eating other dots have “Obama skins” anywhere in it that needed to be removed?
To me, the most surreal part of all this is that in the years since the show, Bob Saget has became pretty infamous for a unique brand of very “not family friendly” humor. Discussing specifically his drug induced shananigans while taping Full House and AFHV. Now, not only is he reprising his family friendly role on…
Oh the difference one letter can make. In this case, the distance between a lightly positive nickname and a completely negative insult. Will Chalupa Jack forgive and forget? Is the mistake within the realms of plausable deniability?? What is the distance between the keys??? Update: I pulled out a ruler and It’s 4mm.…
I don’t use many “litmus tests” when choosing presidential candidates, but being able to quickly and confidently condemn the KKK is one of them. I don’t want someone who still thinks the jury is out on that one. (This will be my standard response to Trump fans from now until November - Thanks Trump!)
Yeah that is the part that is most baffling about this whole thing. Doing an interview with OPRAH is not the best way to combat the idea that you are looking for publicity.
“If you still haven’t upgraded to 4k...”. That’s interesting wording there. Like saying “If you still haven’t seen The Force Awakens...” It implies that most people already have upgraded to 4k, which is ridiculous. I know zero people who have “upgraded” to 4k. Its like the episode of Baskets where Zack Galifinakis…
“If you still haven’t upgraded to 4k...”. That’s interesting wording there. Like saying “If you still haven’t seen…
Where do you live where a Taco Bell isn’t within 300 miles? I’m guessing nowhere in America.
Interesting! I have never used it for cold but I’ve always wondered. One particular thing I’ve wondered is: If I put in a few scoops of ice cream in in the morning will it still be ice cream or at least “milk shake” consistency by the afternoon? I would think so based on your observation. That might be reason enough…
Interesting! I have never used it for cold but I’ve always wondered. One particular thing I’ve wondered is: If I put…
For those on the fence on this one: I had been settling for lesser travel mugs for years because they are MUCH cheaper than real Thermos mugs. The difference is like $5 compared to $20 for a 20oz mug. Last year, I took the plunge and never looked back. My Thermos mug keeps my coffee hot all the way from 8am until 2pm…
For those on the fence on this one: I had been settling for lesser travel mugs for years because they are MUCH…
I was thinking that too especially considering most people don’t play a lot of their games past a few hours anyway. I can guarantee there are people on the firewatch forums bitching about its short length who have several AAA titles they bought for $60 and played less than 3 hours sitting in their libraries.
Thanks for sharing. I never saw this way back in 11. I knew it was going on but how widespread it is?! Nuts.
Thanks for coming forward! We need more people out there willing to tell the truth about this disturbing trend.
As a man who recently became a “30 something” I find pleasure in listening to morning talk radio because it makes me feel very in touch with “today’s youth” in comparison to the hosts.
Its stupid to say a woman has to vote for a woman. I think anyone, man or woman, can choose who they feel best represents their values, and whom they feel can best express their interests as President. I am a 31 year old male and have volunteered for the Democratic party every election since I was 16. All I am asking…
TBS. Which is important because of a little known fact: Did you know that if you sign up for “basic cable” (the package where you only get the local networks and government channels) you get ONE actual cable channel. That channel is TBS. I have never understood this and it constantly befuddles me.
It reminded me of the crappy Transformers game from a year or two ago.
Yeah I think 90% of commenters on here (including myself) are at work, so technically most of us are “getting paid to write comments”. Don’t tell my boss. (A quick calculation just showed that I got paid $0.89 to write this message)
It reminds me of when they marketed 3d tvs with ads/images of people watching football games in 3d. My 3d tv even has a football player jumping out of the tv on the box! How exciting! All this despite A) There was only one channel showing 3d football games (and that channel is no more) and B) Football games broadcast…
People REALLY need to understand this. I love Bernie too but he’s definitely got some skeletons in his closet that no one has began to talk about yet, which is odd. If Clinton was 1/100th the shady politician that Repubs make her out to be, she would be talking about, for instance, Bernie’s kid that he abandoned. Or…