
At one point I think I promised myself at one point that if he randomly said “Hammerin Julio” ONE more time I was turning off the broadcast. I broke that promise.

Yeah he would be generally less confused than Gruden.

In fact its kind of the only idea that series hasn’t already tried out.

When I am commenting on Kotaku articles, I always use my trusty Surface Pro 3 tablet. (Just kidding no one uses those. I am using a crappy HP desktop)

This article was brilliant. Dallas is truly America’s armpit. And who gets rid of DeMarco Murray after last season?? I have him in a keeper league and so I feel I am owed a personal apology from Jerry Jones for his inevitable decreased production behind that Philly line.


I think the Lexus hoverboard is miles closer to a real functioning hoverboard than these segway looking things. For one thing, they have wheels!

For those like me that immediately wondered when they saw this, “what’s going on with that Joe Montana football game?” It turned out they released it on mobile. How fun?

He should leave one team out mysteriously.

Gotta go for the Wiz man. I don’t eat that shit on anything else, but its magical on a cheesesteak.

Excellent point regarding sandbox versus open world. I see the two conflated by people a lot. If a game has a story line you progress through (even one with multiple tracks you can take) it is not a sandbox game. In a sandbox game you literally create your own story by the way you interact with the world. I would go

Nice burn!

This brings to my mind a RocketLeague question I have oft pondered: Is it OK to ram a player on your team into the ball to score or save? To clarify, I am not talking about this being the preferable way to go about scoring, but just when you are in that specific instance where a car is perfectly placed for it.I have

Such a gentlemens sport! If the other team scores on your goalie when they legitmately aren’t even trying, they go “How sorry sir! My fault. You weren’t ready. Have a free goal on us!” A wonder Americans haven't embraced such civilized competitive spirit.

Exactly! This is cool to watch precisely because its demonstrably difficult yet not so crazy that we can never hope to accomplish it. Further, I feel like a lot of your readers, myself included, are progressing through the game at a similar pace as you, so your posts seem relevant. At first its all about just scoring,

Put a net in the middle. Rocket Car Volleyball.

Actually I kinda do. Mostly why I read Gawker sites so much.

You must be fun at parties.

Yeah I think that’s kind of the thing with Rocket League. The best way to be a good teammate is to only consistently try shit you have more or less mastered and leave the tutorials for learning new skills. If you are constantly trying to bounce off walls to upload your “Awesome shot” onto youtube you are most likely

I think the buried lead here is that Tom Brady, world’s official arbiter of what is cool, has publicly announced preferring Apple over Samsung. I have an Iphone6 just like Tom Brady. I am JUST LIKE Tom Brady.