
He was that guy who always stole the best gift in the white elephant exchange.

Agreed. I have an appreciation of cinema that spans a century, so it's not that it was made in 82 that was my hang up. I just found it very bland and boring, and never felt a connection that justifies this massive cult following.

I have that shirt, and now I feel I should throw it out.

He was later seen making the same mistake three-fold.

You know why I don't read your articles? Because I don't like your material.

Hey... I put a lot of thought into the ad pitch.

I'm the same with Evernote on the productivity side. I feel I MAKE myself use.

This is every restaurant in the nations' employee experience. But when it happens at Apple, it's SCANDAL!

Cuz Uhmerica!

Cause she was in a CAR. Get it?!

I'd bet it had a functional antenna.

Why you mad, bra?

I agree with your contemplation of the motive. This would be an outrageously expensive / time consuming endeavor, but the guy is marketing the underwater housing the gopro is in, and gopro is all about viral marketing. As the third 3d guy to chime in, can you take a look at this "video" and share your thoughts?

A drunk two year old could make a more convincing bird than those damn people. As the third 3d guy to chime in, can you take a look at this "video" and share your thoughts?

Lets say our fastest recorded speed in space to date.

And that Sir, is all that 2013 means to me.

I just got a magic remote. Wifi remote for my phone.

So, with our currently achievable speed in space, what is 12 light years?