
That all kind of freaked me out. I have this weird thing with kissing.

Yes, this man making me scream stranger danger in my head.

I bought these to use, but they're just decor now.

I simply don't get the allure of this over an hdmi cable from my workstation to my big tv, wireless mouse/ keyboard on the couch? Is it simply meant to be a pretty interface in which to flip between content like xbmc?

Gamestop has an inexpensive xbox controller.

His IM avatar is Boxee? What a homo.

Where are you getting created 2 days ago?

I honestly spend more time on Giz than I do on FB or other social media.


I'm not sure if you would be knowledgeable on this or not, but what might be the recourse for him when he inevitably breaks the probation?

I was hoping you would chip in. And no kidding! How dull is peoples sex that the thought of doing anything with anything else is a lingering thought? Emergency response type folks, sure. They get a free pass. Otherwise, I find it straight ludicrous.

Wait, how did I get on jezebel?

She can hang with my son, Hewlett.

Right? Then you're down a kid, a smart phone, and a quad-copter.

I'm sorry, did you say half naked women?

Well this exact same thing happened to me, can you do an article write up and help another dude out?

This is insane. When I was a kid, my mom would just throw me into a pile of broken glass to play.

EV1 says no grilles needed!

Actually, I've done countless hours of in depth research, and I can conclusively prove that almost half of people on the internet admit their ignorance regarding any given topic.

I think we're on the same page, but the reality of it is is that we've been spoiled on essentially free energy, which fossil fuels are. The energy yield we pull from it is so high versus what we invest, its basically free. Green alternatives are going to be very expensive in comparison, there's simply no way around