
Ever think that ideas like these are meant to utilize energy that is already there, instead of drawing it from a coal burning plant or the equivalent? You know, more the whole green thing and less trying to turn a profit?

Lenovo is a leading brand over there, and exceptionally better than most.

I realize in our 'live and let live' world it sounds like an insane notion, but we can't keep creating humans at this rate and hope to maintain a sustainable way of life.

The truly scary thing is that up until the early 1900's, the globes human population had never peaked 1 billion. We made those other 6 BILLION in 100 years. Literally, the planet needs to adopt a limit on the number of offspring a couple can have.

So, how are these cameras stationed so that they sit undisturbed for that long? Some sort of protective housing from the elements and more dangerous thieves?

Now playing

Just to clean the taste of terrible from your pallets.

Or she just hopped on facebook because now she has a tablet. ^_^

This is a terribly defensive response, followed up by you doing the same thing Jesus did in assuming absolutely that they were merely purchasers of the tablet from a thief. All this is shot to shit however by the fact that her facebook page is wide open and there was a post about an hour ago saying that she "knows a

You're right, he really should have gone with an Old E. More quality and quantity for the price.

Isn't that all reddits nsfw section is?

Okay. So I'm standing outside of your home, firing pistol rounds into a window at someone close to you. However, that person is in a high quality bullet proof vest, and deflecting these shots easily. So with that deflection in mind, you leave your rifle with the 30x scope on it in the closet.

Definately feel Pi could take the place of some listed.

You don't need adhesive, you just have to be 3. It's uncanny how easy it is for oblivious children to win at those. However, the tape would be easier to achieve.

As a CG artist, I appreciate the asterisk. =P


*backs out of order confirmation page*

So... you're saying don't let my car go to Florida State?

Lol, not at all. Rick's just been coming truer to the dark nature of his character in the comic in these last few episodes, hacking off limbs and faces and whatnot.

Rick disapproves of you weakness.
