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I stick with the John Dorian 3 tap method.

I always wondered if dogs closed their eyes under water or not.

This can also be summarily said for most of the comments made.

Perhaps they'll consider it for their marketing slogan:

If you didn't do it last night, then put it on your to do list. It is pure hilarity, and very very little is said about the actual movie. =)

Favorite so far:

Anchorman commentary, BEST EVER.

Hey, look! It's one of those skater kids that had the anarchy stickers pasted everywhere all growed up-ish!

My Fitness Pal is also list worthy. Check it.

So... it's a media manager you install on your computer where your local media lives? So is there a physical connect to the Roku box, or does this go over your wifi then Roku accesses it like a channel?

I'm shopping for media devices as I've outgrown my XBMC setup, obviously you'd recommend Roku, but wanted to ask if you run much local media through it and how does it handle that as far as UI and such? Ease of use is a major consideration, for the lady.

Totally, that whole desert sequence was just magic.

Cool! Thx for the info! ;)

They use a hybrid of Maya that they had pretty much ripped apart and re written for their specific needs.

And you forgot the multiple marks of exclamation after Gojira, buddy.

Yours was by far the best explanation on a layman's level as to where it's benefits could be employed and why. Thanks!

Anyone who ever actually had to use one of these for a chair growing up, ye-no.

Ha! I'm a Houston native as well! Nice to meet you neighbor, and go Texans!

They were so preoccupied with whether or not they could...

Can someone help me out? It's a question born of simple ignorance regarding cameras and camera choices, but why exactly would someone ever choose this over a high end DSLR or equivalent? I get the adjustable DOF post photo, which is a really neat feature, but even so, I just don't see it. Perhaps avid photographers