There's a great app you should check out which does this for you very handily, My Fitness Pal. It references an online database of info for most any food/product you can think of, and gives you content from A to Z. It's meant to be used as a daily tracker aid and combines at the end of that day to show you all you've…
Chris Christie leaned against a pole on the subway with it in his back pocket.
My setup now is a ASUS gaming laptop as well, and an ASUS Prime tablet with docked keyboard. It's an excellent combo trade off for when I need to pick ultra portability or processing power.
I know anytime Gateway is mentioned, it's usually preceded by a good laugh, but I bought this little guy in 2004, and I hold the same sentiment. It was an excellent portable, with terrific specs for the time.
Lol, I chuckled. =) I was thinking 2 as well, but those graphics look too good for 2. I think you're correct that its digital art, maybe a snap shot from a cut scene in the 2 or something. Thx!
Was that Top Gun for NES?
Which game # is this from?
Agree, I don't get why people have to be so cynical about 2 things they know they love coming together.
Lol ,Wanks on a Plane.
I do carpentry work as a hobby, and I built a skyrim inspired oak wood bed. And I have lain my fair lady in that bed many a night.
I thought this too on first impression, but when you hear him or see him in a video, he's actually just a man child with a lot of money to blow on toys. He actually seems pretty down to earth.
Only a couple of weeks extra wake to get the blood spattered edition? Totes worth it.
Cell phones: Connects people in boats to people in Jeeps.
Hold on, worst tech ad or first spoof of all times? This aired on tv?
The irreparable damage I'm sure it did to my eyes was much worse.
So you're saying everyone should just pack their own internet?
Right? I'd probably have tried to contact Ross from Friends.
Why don't they just... load up the plane with internet. Then, use it over the course of the flight, like fuel?
Also at the pivot height of the blades, wind is considerably more steady and a higher mph than on the ground. Not to mention the light weight of these and the bearing system that allows the rotation is state of the art.