
The only reason they got in was because the lower nose of the vehicle was able to get under the curtain and slide it over the roof. The much higher clearance of the back end just acted as a rubber band bouncing it back. If they'd just turned around, they'd have gotten out first try.

Coon Girl, though you may get a variance in search responses.

My neighbor is a weed seeking robot. Also, about this slow.

I think Dahmer proved pretty solidly that sexual arousal can lead to all kind of grossness.


The Shuffle Classic: Still on Top of the Deck

Glad to hear someone else's has survived the wash, I've run mine through twice and still kicking!

Wow, no shit!

He looks like a peanuts character.

Hmmmm.... semi agree, but haven't the nanos had a similar form factor in previous iterations, just minus the touchscreen?

Please shut up.

Very nice.

Only to the licorice ones. Oh, the OS, sorry.

Hopefully you at least use your own words and feelings when verbally trying to inspire people and enthuse their intrigue in space.

Finally! Somewhere I can put my sausage.

Does anyone know of any cool mech warrior type pc video games?

You blow hard.

We stopped dreaming.

A ladder to heaven? That's fucking stupid.

The same way he sees this whole project realized. With magic.