
As much as they hate Adobe, I feel they'll do something similar to the naming convention for their software's. Once it reaches a certain number they'll bring it back to one with some lettering in front of it.

That's true, didnt think of that. I'm 6' and 200, though muscular. He's not really fat at all! Lemme rethink this.

With the exception of the animal head wall mounts, I said wtf to all of them.

It seems ultimately, they want to land someone in jail for an extended period of time. I mean, that would scare people a lot more from pirating than some ungoldy amount they could never afford. How about 10 years in prison? It's sick, I know, but it seems like that's the motive behind these figures. Can't pay, go to

You are correct Sir.

Indeed, I might have just stumbled across their only real gym luckily on my first encounter, though you never really WANT that to be the case. I'd like there to be more. But yea, no problem, glad I could share.

I'm not going to say nothing else they done has, as I've not listened through many of their 5 or so albums, but when I was shared Showbiz by a friend, I immediately went out and bought the cd (you know, back when people bought cd's) and was thoroughly disappointed with the rest of the album. Not that the rest of it

Now playing

I share that feeling for every Muse song except the first one I ever heard, which I still contend is a great, intense song.

Perhaps they should charge passengers based on weight, like air freight. Ya know, as long as we're now becoming tediously conscious of the additional of weight of all the contents of the plane.

It's still very possible for the scenario to which you're referring to occur, however the friction caused between the asteroid and Jupiter's atmosphere would most certainly cause it to explode.


I'm not sure why, but it ruined my morning.

I kind of do. I'm not even an Apple user, but I know better than to pre-order anything before an Apple unveiling orgy.

I'd much rather prefer to ride up with it!

That hurt my brain.

Shoooooooot heeeeeeeeeeeeer!!!

What is that gif from?!

Only phones, I have everyone since my first when I was 16, circa '96