
We bitches got lied to.

I saw this for the first time last week. Then I went out and had a shirt made that said:

I envisioned myself floating through a sugar cloud in space with my mouth open as I read your comment. =O

Absolutely, after I did a bit more research on chemical mix detonators versus a mechanical, the instability of this thing became glaringly clear. Its like trying to pick up a sleeping grizzly without waking it, and relocating it. Or you could just tranquilize and make the job easier and safer.

Honestly, it looks like a piece of furniture you'd see in a porn.

So... the ONLY option was to detonate it? Is anyone familiar with the circumstances that led to this being the way to do this?

I guess what I meant is whether or not humans could achieve a level of programming that was so advanced that it had the ability to generate it's own code within the bot and do things that conflicted (not sourced in the original code) with it's original programming. And the human mind is a chemical and electrical

Why is this?

Then you're not one of those idiots.

The point is, more idiots will willingly drop the price of a movie ticket than would donate gladly through knowledge and appreciation of space exploration.

I'm seeing someone out there applying too much weight, breaking the catch that stops the handles at the horizontal orientation, and their pizza suddenly becoming a supreme and tips - of - human - fingers pie.

I'd wager the theory that the closest evident to a robot reaching that state is independent thought and action that directly conflicts with programming. I wonder if that is ever even really achievable by humans or robots.

Now playing

I know! Wall E or Fallout was what it reminded me of, if they could spare the memory and the power for speaker, I think it would have been an amazing touch.

So, dumb inquiry, but are these played via an external speaker, or only internally?

Speaking of banned words, its always entertaining to try and get them to use the word "used". No no, its 'like new'.

Just don't make the mistake of brushing this off.


Wow, 300 civs with VERY pessimistic figures. Insane.

When I scratch the bottom of my feat, it tickles. A LOT. Enough that I usually don't extinguish the itch.