
Very true, the whole bed of nails in a realistic situation. Spread the weight out over all the nails evenly, no penetration. But the odds of that happening in a real world situation are kinda 50/50.

Baby got back.

No. They don't. They make poppy noises.

I'll stick with XBMC.

It tis a bike, but it is not speedy.

Dude.... maybe you just stunk.

Well, if it eases your mind any I am a PC/ Android user exclusively.

How neat is the correspondence cinema!

Ropes don't stop flying sheet metal though.

Hence where I said, "looks AWFULLY cheap". Your response could have been worded to be educational rather than condescending.

Build quality looks AWFULLY cheap.

Right? My mom especially made this HUGE fuss.

All over the board google.

Couple with the SHOT gun, its sure to be a wacky summer!

That is a fantastic though invoking flic.

It does if you type on it at Starbucks.

You haven't read many of Curves' comments, have you lad?

Does it suck the west nile virus out of you? With southern mosquitos, a slight sting after being bitten is the least of ones concers...

Love it!

The fuck?